Nightmares are a bitch

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Alot of people write junkrat having the nightmares but for now I want to torture Roadhog-- Teehee


   "Mako." A gruff voice called behind him,Jay. "Y'got tha explosives? "

   Hot,desert wind whipped around Mako's face. The sun burnt into his skin and made him ache. 

"Yeah. This it? The omnium?" Mako looked up at the large building. This building was help omnics take over Australia.
Today that was going to end.

   One of the men in his gang grabbed the rocket Launchers out of the truck they drove in. He looked up at the towering building.

  "Fuckin' omnics. TAKIN' OUR LAND! WE'LL BLOW EM' TA BITS!" He yelled. The rest of the men cheered and clapped hands. Mako stood on the side silently. 
  Jay chuckled,turning to Mako again. "Get the 'splosives,we're gonna blow this place to smitha'reens." Jay smiled as he said this, his crumbling teeth irked Mako,who complied with his command.
Handing a sticky bomb to each of the men,Mako turned to a computer in the back of the truck,typing in 1:00. Turning back to the other men,he told them the time they had.
Getting out of the back of the truck,Jay clapped Mako on the back. "We're gonna change 'Stralia,Mako. We're gonna be heros. C'mon boys, throw em up.
All the men threw their bombs at the base of the building,closest to the main reactor.
" Heros. " Repeated Jay.
"...heros.." Mali quietly repeated.

   They all quietly climbed into the truck. Mako sat in the driver seat,shoving the key into the engine. He started driving away when he heard the first explosion. A yell from Jay startled him.

"Holy- MAKO! DRIVE!" Mako stepped on the gas hard.
They weren't fast enough though,a large boom was heard behind them and then


   Roadhog sat up quickly. Sweat pouring down his face and arms. His breath came out in ragged pants,it was hard for him to get oxygen in. His arm immediately went for his mask.
  Finding it,he clipped it on. Taking a deep,shaking breath he a little bit calmer. After taking a few breaths,a choked sob escaped the large man.
   He ripped off the mask,staring at it in the small light. Hot tears streamed down his face. He was breathing hard,harder than he wanted to.
" Fuck-- Shit shit shit--"
Roadhog's heart stopped,he turned his head to Junkrat. Junkrats wild hair seemed even wilder from from bedhead. He sat up,stretching. He looked at Roadhog in confusion before seeing the tears still streaming down his face.
  "Shit-- mate-- Mako-" He scrambled over to Roadhog, pulling his face into his hands. "What's wrong?.." Seeing Roadhog cry nearly broke his damn heart.
   Roadhog resisted the urge to pull his face away,but he felt too broken. He eventually leaned into Junkrat,who wrapped his arms around the larger man. He ran his thin fingers through his white,stringy hair.
   Roadhog silently sobbed,trembling as he let himself be comforted by Junkrat.

  "I'm here Mako,it's alright,i'm-- i'm right here" Junkrat whispered these phrases over and over quietly into his ear. He rubbed Roadhogs back slowly,letting the older man lay in his arms.
   After a couple minutes of nothing but silence and a few sniffles,Roadhog sat up,wiping his face. He kept his face down,seemingly ashamed of his breakdown.
  "Hey," Junkrat grabbed his hand, rubbing his thumb over the rough skin on Roadhogs palm "It's okay." His voice was quite.
   Roadhog laughed silently,moving his hair out of his face and grabbing Junkrat to give him a kiss.
    "Thank you." He pecked Junkrat on the lips, " I love you Jamie,I don't know what I'd do without you"
     Junkrat recoiled,flustered. "Teh-- Don't think too much about it,lardass" He side eyed Roadhog,smiling like the little brat he was.
      "Shut up," Roadhog acted as if he were offended,tossing his hair out of his face again.

     After a moment of chuckling,Roadhog eventually layed down. Closing his tired eyes,he barely started to drift to sleep before Junkrat threw his arm around Roadhog as if he were protecting him.
     Roadhog felt his smile grew,and he kissed Junkrats wild hair.

"Goodnight Jamie."
"G'night Mako."

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