Chapter 21

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'Come on, Cain! Let's go. I want to get to Shanklin today.' 

'Hold your horses, man. I'm coming! Geez! Are you PMS'ing or something?' 

'Ha ha! Very funny, smartass! Move! We go directly to the General Registration Office when we get there.'

'I'm here. Let's go.' Cane comes with our bags. 'You know I'm not your servant, right? You keep forgetting this lately.' He's visibly annoyed.

'You are not my servant, but I do pay for everything, right? So stop complaining, princess, and let's go.'

We get into the car and start driving. Around 3 hours later we reach Portsmouth and take the ferry. We arrive in Shanklin at around 5. The General Registration office has already closed.

'Fuck!' I hiss. 'Another day lost!'

'Chill, man. We just got here. I am sure we'll find someone that can give us all the information we need tomorrow. Now let's go to that little restaurant there because I'm starving!'

'Fine. Go eat. I think I'll get myself a drink also.'

'What kind of drink, Dorian?'

'The kind that can help me get her scent out of my system.'

'How about we both go to the restaurant and see where the night takes us?

'Fine. I'll have some scotch, then.'

Our waitress is a cute blonde that has an annoying voice, 'though. I order a double scotch, no ice and Cain orders a burger with fries and a beer. Since the hotel I booked is really close to the Registration office, we decide to get smashed.

Two rounds of scotch later and two more beers for Cain, we are both visibly relaxed.

'So tell me, Dorian, how deep has the little dove has gotten under your skin?'

'You know about the 'little dove' thing?' I laugh with him. 

'Are you kiddin'? It's the best part of this story.' He mocks me.

'Give me a break, man. This girl's got me feeling like a teenager all over again. I'm 600 years, for fuck's sake. I've lived too much to feel shit like this.'

'Maybe that's why you met her, man. Maybe she's supposed to wake up all these feelings inside you, to give your life a purpose.' Cain says seriously.

'If that's the case, faith waited a very long time to send her. I don't deserve her, Cain. I've done soooo many fucked up things in this life. 600 years is plenty of time for bad decisions . I didn't have an Ivy to keep me sane. I've lost and found myself so many times.'

'Maybe she's your anchor. You just need to have faith that things will fall into place.' Cain reassures me.

'I don't see any solution. She's so innocent. How do you think she'll react when she'll find out I'm a vampire? I'm pretty sure she will run away from me and she will take my heart with her.'

'Fuck me. That answers my initial question: heart deep. You're fucked, man. Come on, let's go to the hotel.'

'Yeah, let's go. I really need a blood bag.'

'Yeah, about that. I only brought 6 bags of blood. You'll need to hunt at some point.'

'Well, I'll skip the bag tonight and go for some fresh meat tonight, since our waitress has been eyeing me all night.'

'You're baaaad, man. Have fun! I'm going to the hotel.' And he left.

I call the waitress to bring me the check and she writes her number on the back. I miss the times when all a woman would give you was a shy smile and her handkerchief. Women today are too easy.

I guess dinner is served. I tell myself while flashing my panty dropper smile at her. I really am a jerk, but right now, I don't care.


It's been 2 days since he's gone. My heart is aching for him. My headaches are getting worse and the voice of the ocean is fogging my mind all the time. At this point, I can't get out of bed anymore because my headaches are making me nauseous. I don't want to alarm Ivy, so I ask her for something to help me sleep. Maybe time will pass faster this way.

'Ivy, I have a headache. Can you please get me something to help me sleep?'

'I'll get you a sandwich and some pills to help with the headache, sweetie. Don't worry, I'll take care of you.' She kisses my forehead and leaves my room just to return a few moments later with a grilled cheese sandwich and 2 pills on her tray.

'Thank you, Ivy. You are very kind. I think I'll take a nap after I eat this delicious sandwich.'

'Ok. Sleep tight, sweetie.'


I was never a morning person, hell, not even when my mornings were evenings in fact, before I could walk into the sunlight. Some things never change. I leave Cain at the hotel and go alone to the Registration office. I look at the message from Ivy. Her name is Selena Pearl. It fits her. Damn, even her name is superb.

'Hello, miss. I was wondering if you could help me with some information about a woman that lived here.'

'Yes, of course. Can you tell me a name?'

'Selena Pearl. How long does it take to get the info?'

'Depending on the year of birth it can last up to 48 hours since we also have old archives that are on hard copy.'

'Thank you very much, miss. Have a lovely day.' I turn around and go back to the hotel to call Ivy. I need to know how she is.

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