Chapter 36

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My heart shatters in million pieces. I should be happy he loves me, but standing here, holding him in my arms, knowing I might never see him again, makes me die inside.

I look at his beautiful face. His eyes are filled with love and concern. His perfect skin shines in the moon light, his lips are slightly parted, his eyebrows are brought together in a frown, his hair has grown a little and looks more trashed than ever. I try to memorize this moment, his face. It might just be the best memory I will ever have.

'I love you too, mon Coeur.' I tell him while softly kissing his lips.

He lifts me in his arms and lays me on the bed, wanting to leave the room, but I don't let him. I need him tonight. It might be the last night we have.

'Make love to me, Dorian! Tell me you love me! Show me you love me!'

That night, we made slow love until the break of dawn. Dorian cherished each inch of my skin, memorizing it. He bathed me in soft kisses and feather like caresses, creating butterflies in my stomach. He told me he loves me a hundred times until we both drifted to sleep in each others arms, while listening to the storm that was beginning outside. 


Two days passed since Selena received the warning. There's a storm outside. It's been raining ever since and the wind blows really fast. The ocean is furious, creating gigantic waves that crash loudly on the beach. I don't know if the storm started because Selena is a mess. They do have the power to control the weather, after all.

'Dorian, I have something.'

'Thank God, Ivy.'

'Has the dark Dorian Black become a believer?' Ivy teases me.

'Damn it, Ivy. Just tell me what you have.'

'OK. So I took a blood sample from Selena to compare it to the human blood. I know it sounds stupid, but I figured it was the best shot we had for finding something against the Clytie bitch.'


'That's her name. Selena told me. Anyway, since Selena was conceived with a human, there are some similarities but her DNA is something out of this world.'

'Of course it is. She's a goddess, remember?' I run a hand through my hair trying to contain my nervousness. 

'Yeah, you do have a point! Anyway, I created a serum that should weaken
her. I don't know if it will put her to sleep, but if it has the effects we hope, you can finish her. I will load it in the tranquilizer gun and have it ready.'

'It's nice that you'll get to use that gun on somebody who isn't me.' 

'Don't act like a little girl, Dorian. You know you were out of control.'

'Yeah, I know. I was just saying. Anyway, did you also do the tests for yourself?'

'Aaamm.. Yes..I.. I did.' Ivy pales.

'And? Are you OK?' I ask her concerned.

'I'm pregnant.' she spills out in one breath.

'Congratulations, Ivy. It was about time. Cain will be very happy.' I go to her and give her a heartfelt hug.

'I don't know. I am scared to tell him. I don't want him to think we are replacing Rose.' A tear escapes her eye.

'Ivy, Cain has been hoping for you to get pregnant for some years now. He wants a baby. He will be ecstatic when you'll tell him.'

'Did he tell you this?' She's now sobbing and I hug her even more.

'Hush, Ivy. He did tell me this. He never wanted to pressure you but he is madly in love with you and will give one arm to have another baby calling him daddy. You are both very lucky to be able to have children. Don't waste such a gift.'

She pulls away from my hug and dries her tears.

'About that... I don't know how to tell you this. I've never even considered it to be possible.'

'Ivy, your body has slowed down aging, you look like you're 35 when you are actually 201.'

'It's not about that, Dorian. You might want to sit down for this.'

'You are scaring me now. Speak, woman!'

'There goes nothing. I found something else when I was studying Selena's blood.'

'What did you find, Ivy? Stop torturing me?'

'A baby.'

'What do you mean "a baby"? How can you find a baby in her blood? Ivy, did the substances you work with get to your head?' I start laughing.

'No, dumbass. A baby as in: Selena is pregnant.'



I get downstairs and I hear Dorian screaming in the living room.


I enter the living room and I see him sitting on the sofa with a frozen look on his face. Ivy is sitting next to him, looking at him with concern in her eyes.

'What's happening?' I ask the slightly panicked.

'Nothing, little dove. Ivy was telling me she found a serum that might work on the bitch.' He tells me while looking at Ivy.

I smile a little. Nobody calls her my aunt. They all call her the bitch or the evil bitch. I like that.

'Thank you, Ivy. I really appreciate everything you've done for me.'

'You don't have to thank me, sweetie. You are part of the family now.' She winks at me. 'I was going to make us some lunch. Do you want to help me?'

'Heavens, yes. I've missed your cooking.' I tell her while kissing her cheek.

She gives me a full smile and we walk inside the kitchen where Cain greets us with tears in his eyes.

'You thought I wouldn't want another baby?' he asks her while lifting her in his arms and spinning her in the middle of the kitchen. 

'You heard everything?' Ivy asks him.

'I heard everything. We are having a baby. You've made me the happiest man on the planet, Ivy. Words can't describe how much I love you and how grateful I am to you for this gift.'

They both hug each other with happy tears running down theirs cheeks. I find myself crying too. They look so wonderful together and the sound of a baby's cries in this house will be exactly what we all needed. Then I place a hand on my abdomen as I turn around from them. Dorian is a vampire. Even if my aunt doesn't get me, I don't know if we will be able to ever conceive a child with him. 

My happy tears turn to sad tears as I silently pray to the Gods to let me stay by his side and bless us with a baby. 

The Curse Of The Ocean (Black Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now