chapter two

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"You're smiling. That's weird. Why are you smiling?"

Normani's gaze went back up at her friend who was sitting across from her, and a small chuckle escaped from her lips. "I'm not smiling..I'm just..."

Kehlani raised an eyebrow up at the younger girl. "You're just..?" Most of the time, Normani was amazing at coming up with excuses, but for some reason, this wasn't one of those times.

"I'm just happy. I' a good mood. That's all that matters, right?" The half-tatted girl slowly nodded her head, deciding that she would just question her friend later on.

It wasn't like Kehlani wasn't happy that Normani was happy, because it's been a while since she's seen that pretty smile, but what she wanted to know, was who or what had her friend smiling like this.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course."

Just as the awkward silence could get any worse, Allyson, who also went by Ally, who was also friends with the two girls, showed up at the table, a tired and annoyed look on her face. She let a long groan escape from her mouth as she plopped down on the empty seat next to Kehlani.

Normani and Kehlani exchanged weird glances with each other. Usually, Ally was the type to smile through hard times. She always brought positivity in a sad and dead room, even if she was upset herself. Her motive was to always try to put others first and at least make them smile.

"You okay?" Normani questioned the shorter, but oldest girl at the table. Ally tossed her dirty blonde hair behind her back before carefully running her fingers through it. "'s just-" she paused for a second, as if she were debating on whether or not she wanted to continue, but she continued anyways.

"It's Micheal. We uh..we got into another stupid argument last night." The blonde looked down at her finger nails and bit her bottom lip to keep herself from crying. "I caught him texting some girl again and I..I don't know what to do anymore."

Kehlani frowned and placed her hand on the older girls thigh. "Ally, look at me. You are so damn beautiful and you deserve so much more than him. You've forgiven him so many times and so now he thinks it's okay, and baby girl, it's really not.."

Normani found herself zoning out for like the third time today, this time, staring off into the distance and not at her phone.

That was when she noticed something– someone. Her eyes squinted a bit as she tried to get a better glimpse at the person who was standing across the courtyard. The girl was far, but not too far, so Normani was able to see her face. But it wasn't just her face that gave it away, it was the blonde hair, the height, the legs...

She was 100% sure she was staring at Dinah.

Except, Dinah wasn't the only person that caught her eye. It was the girl who was leaning against the wall, cornered by the blondes hands on both side of her head. Normani could easily tell that whoever the girl was, was smiling at whatever Dinah was telling her.

Normani continued to keep her gaze on the two, she didn't even realize that her hands were starting to ball up into fists until one of her friends had spoken up.

"Mani, are you good?" Ally asked, arching her eyebrows up at Normani, who looked down at her hands, then back up at both of her two friends. She couldn't decide which one of the two had the most concerned look on their face.

The brunette somehow managed to force a smile on her lips that she hoped her friends would fall for because she really didn't have time for a series of questions right now.

As of now, her mind was stuck on Dinah and whoever that dark haired girl was. None of this was making sense to her. Not even three days ago, Dinah was flirting with the brunette and she could have sworn Dinah said she didn't go to school.

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