7| And Thus, the Meeting Began

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Kurama growled at the boy, his lips pulling back to show almost animalistic canines. This kid was really starting to piss him off to say the least and he knew that if the pink eyed boy continued making Kurama uncomfortable, he'd probably lash out. Closing his eyes, he dug his taloned fingers deeper into the underside of the desk before abruptly standing up, shoving his chair back forcefully.

Naruto looked up from the desk he was carving into with a pen when he heard the screech of metal against tiled floors. Immediately, he flicked his wrists sending a kunai into his palms under the desk. Quickly scanning behind him and Sasuke towards the other children, his eyes immediately fell upon Kurama who was the only one standing out of his seat.

Naruto's genjutsu fox ears flicked irritably. Kurama knew how sensitive he and the other two felt about sudden loud noises. Casting a quick glance at his comrades, he saw Sasuke had activated his Sharingan for only a split second before realizing that there was no threat, and to the side, he saw a slowly dwindling in size, pentagram under Hinata's foot as she reeled in her power. Despite their brief "out of character-ness", all three of them quickly donned their personas once more.

Playing the demure shy girl, Hinata forced tears to peak the edges of her eyes as she clasped her hands between her legs, a concerned look on her face as she stared at the deep maroon haired humanized fox. Sasuke meanwhile, pretended he had only glanced at Kurama before turning back forward with crossed eyes and a "tch", clicking sound of his tongue. Naruto on the other hand, mentally rolled his eyes before slamming his hands down on the desk behind him.

"Gosh, Kurama! What's got you so riled up?", he asked obnoxiously. Naruto made sure to purse his lips as if he thought that everyone had the right to know why Kurama suddenly stood up, though when his eyes drifted to the smirking boy beside his mentor and best friend, he suddenly understood.

Kai simply sat there, his cheek resting on one of his fists as he looked up at the enraged boy, a smirk of all knowingness resting on his thin lips. The ashy blonde boy had known this would ultimately be Kurama's reaction, so when the maroon headed boy glared fiercely at him and then growled at Naruto before stalking to a window closest to the window in the back, Kai wasn't surprised in the least.

"You shouldn't tease Kitsune-san so much, Kai.", a voice suddenly spoke up. Naruto's ears flicked at the sound, and immediately he turned his head to the side where he saw Meeka, his 4th teammate. The girl seemed to notice his calculating stare, and turned her head slightly to meet it with a calm glance of her own. He sniffed at the look, and even though he felt the immense urge to just turn away without saying anything, his persona wouldn't allow it.

Naruto rubbed underneath his nose with a single finger, a large goofy grin adorning his lips before he bashfully looked down. He turned away from her and as he pulled out his chair, he rolled his eyes slightly in exasperation. 'Kami, this cover up will be the death of me.', he thought as he sat with his head on his arms.

Meanwhile, Sasuke, who had witnessed all of that, was busy glowering at the girl for making Naruto bashful...though anyone who saw this and was not a part of the 4 Heir's group, would've assumed it was just Sasuke doing his Uchiha thing.

"I wish my voice sounded like that.", Sakura whispered quietly from beside the ravenette. Her grip had gone slack around his arm as she stared at the white haired beauty just a little ways away. Her voice was soft and lilting almost, kind of like a lullaby without a tune. The pink haired girl thought it might've been the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard, and when Meeka's eyes switched from Naruto to her, Sakura was mortified to find that her cheeks began to heat up.

Meeka smiled softly at that, and without another second, Sakura turned and buried her face in Sasuke's arm, much to the boy's displeasure.

Suddenly, a loud sigh broke the unexpectedly peaceful silence between the 8 genin, and 7 pairs of eyes swiveled to look at Naruto's twin who was leaning back in her chair with her feet crossed at the ankle on her desk, and her arms behind her head, bright red hair spilling behind as she observed those eyes swivel to her.

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