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You collapse on the floor, out of breath. The new dance you've been practicing for your song, while not very challenging, is difficult, incorporating dance moves you've never seen before. Your choreographer claps their hands, walking over to you. "Okay, that's enough break, time to get back to work!"

You groan, muscles screaming as you stand up. "I've been working since 4 in the morning. Can't I have more of a break?" You open up a bottle of water and gulp half of it down, gasping for breath as you finish.

Your choreographer frowns, hand on her hip. "You think the boys got breaks? They have more challenging work than you. You're only a beginner and have a lot more practicing to do before you're anywhere near as good as them. Get up, get back to work, and stop complaining."

Her words pierce you like knives, and you walk back into the centre of the room. The music begins and you start your choreography, swearing under your breath every time you miss a step or are a little bit off. Your muscles burn, but your choreographer's words ring in your head, keeping you moving. You're determined to get better, putting more energy in every move you do.

After the song plays for the fifteenth time in a row, the music cuts out. The look on your choreographer's face says everything. "You call that good?"
The door opens and Yoongi and Jin step in, but your choreographer doesn't seem to notice.

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen! You have no skill whatsoever. You're always a beat off, your footwork is as good as a two year old's, and don't even get me started on how your face looks."

You shrink under her every word, heart clenching. "I'm sorry, I'm trying my hardest."

"Well your hardest isn't good enough. If you want to be anywhere close to as good as the boys, then you need to work. You're basically as skilled as a dolphin on land. You're completely horrible. Now get to work. You get a break once you get at least one move somewhat decent."

You sigh, moving back to the centre of the room again, waiting for the music to being. But it never does. Instead, Yoongi's voice rings across the room.

"Excuse, me, Ja-kyung, I'm afraid I can't allow you to speak to (Y/N) that way. You're fired. I don't know why Manager-nim hired you in the first place. We're getting a new choreographer and I want you out now. Thank you and goodbye."

Ja-kyung looks at Yoongi. "Why should I listen to you? I teach you. I don't take orders from you."

"No, but you are only here because of us. Now get your ass out of here before I call the police and report you for verbal abuse." Yoongi pulls his phone out of his pocket, and Ja-kyung is quick to gather her things, rushing out of the room. Once she's gone, Yoongi and Jin walk over to you. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."

You ignore him, shoving your things in your bag. As you walk past Yoongi, he grabs your wrist, and you hiss in pain. "What the fuck, let me go." You yank your wrist free, ignoring the pain searing through your arm.

Jin smiles. "What's the matter? Was it Ja-kyung?"

"Nothing, Jin. I'm going back to the dorm now." You spin on your heel, but again, Yoongi has your wrist.

"(Y/N), something's wrong. What is it?"

Anger flares up in you, and you glare at Yoongi. "Maybe the fact that I'm constantly compared to you and have to live in your shadow. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not the best singer in the group. Maybe it's the fact that  I can't dance. Maybe it's the fact that I had to give up on my song because nothing I do is good in BigHit's eyes."

"You had to give up on your song? But you worked so hard on it! You loved it!"

"Yeah well because of you I had to trash it. Apparently it 'doesn't meet the standards.'" You wrench your arm away from Yoongi, running away and down the street. Fans call out to you, but you ignore them, running farther and farther away from Yoongi, from Jin, from everyone.

After a while you stop and find yourself standing on the stoop of your favorite coffee shop, cars whizzing past and people pushing past you.


You turn around quickly, then immediately regret it. There before you is your ex boyfriend from when you lived in America, Noah. "Wh- what are you doing here?"

Noah shuffles his feet in the sand. "I came to apologize."

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