Chapter 1:Craziest year ever......

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Hey guys this is my first chapter of this book hope you enjoy im workin on other books so ill update when i can.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eliza's POV

It's been one crazy year.A crazy year that i wouldn't trade for anything.Because in  the last year i met 5 of my bestfriends in that little starbucks in Dublin, Ireland.And also I found my soulmate and I love him to death.  So why don't I just tell you the story from about the beginning.

"Eliza get up or you'll be late for school" my mom yelled from downstairs

"I'm up I'm up" I yelled back to her I squinted my eyes and turned my head to my nightstand to see what time it was. The alarm clock said 8:34 a.m. I quickly got up and went staight  to my closet. I quickly grabbed some blue distressed skinny jeans and a purple crop top that said " Young ,Wild & Free"  and my white vans also.  I quickly put on my clothes and headed straight for the bathroom quickly pulled my blonde hair up into a high messy bun. Then i grabbed my eyeliner qucikly winged it and put on mascara and a little purple eyeshadow to add some color then my red lipstick. After this i grabbed my bookbag and ran down two flight of stairs and grabbed my keys out of the bowl by  the front door. I got in my car and drove 10 minutes to my school. Got out and ran to my first period. OH great i am five minutes late i thought to myself. Okay only three more classes to go and i can go to work. 

"Mrs. Smith you are five minutes late" Mr.potio said 

" Sorry Mr.potio i woke up late and it took me a while since I live a little  far from here" I said hoping he would believe my fake excuce 

"okay well don't let it happen again you need to impress all your teachers this year since your graduating at the end" said Mr.potio 

Oh great now the whole class was watching me as I walked from the front of the class to my seat in the back . Phew i'm just glad thats over I am so glad he believed me. Truth is I  only live right around the block and a little whiles down the road. okay so time passed by slowly but it was fially time to go to work. Yay i get to see my bestfriend Makena. So I ran out the doors of school and drove quickly home to get changed and to actaully look appropriate this time for work. So ig ot home and got my  white shirt and black pants out and my apron and black starbucks hat.  I ran back down those two flight of stairs again oh how i wish we had a elevator in this huge house that i lived in.  I drove down to starbucks which took me  a matter of 20 minutes and i was there. I went inside and i punched in and got to my place as cashier.Makena wasin the back looking through inventory.

"Hello what would you like" I said to this one guy who had a beanie on but some curls stuck out he also had on sunglasses inside which i thought was totally weird.Never did i realize my life would change from this very moment on.

" Um i would like a Vanilla bean Frapp" the guy said with a british accent that was so attracive

" okay anything else?" i said nervously because this guy was attractive looking

"Um yea i would like starwberry frappichino " This guy said with a irish accent and he had blonde hair and hoodie on which i thought was weird but then it hit me this is 

"Harry Styles And Niall Horan From One Direction" i said not meaning to but shocked

"Yes we are now shh love" said Harry Styles

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