Chapter 2- Beginning of A Long Journey......

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Hey guys what's up ? Hoping your enjoying this story so far i've decided that mondays and thurdays will be my update days to this storys so just bare with me i'm still trying to write more but im kinda having a block.Anyways im gonna update monday so i'll ttyl :

Qotc: What's your favorite color?

Aotc: MInes pink and black -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I suddenly woke up looking around gosh i must have fallen asleep last night when i got home from work.My phone alarm goes off again and again , I guess it's time to get up. I look at my phone and it's 6:00a.m. . Wow I'm actually going to be on time for school. I quickly  check my phone to see if I had any texts from last night because i fell asleep . I unlock my phone and see two new messages and one missed call. The first message was from Harry


Hmm okay goodie! see you tomorrow bae?!? Evidetally ur my bae which btw i dont mind lol ttyl sleep tight im hittin the hay - Harry- Your bae :) xxxxxxx

i  smile at that message he's so sweet , but i shouldn't respond to it because it's so early in the morning. Make mental note- Text harry back later when school starts

Now time to check m other text then my voice-mail


OMG!!!!! Thanks for His numba!! Love you so much and yes yes i will absolutely take your shift i could actually use the extra cash plus! Girl go get your man! That is if your going or i totally will for you Harry's my type to! LOLL jkjk but Ty so much!! I'll call you later to tell you what happens when i text him!!!  !) - KENA ttyl bye 

Thankfully she did today is Friday! And i want to get out of my house and do something but i have school first then i can go out with Harry!! Yay i finally stand up and start to my happy dance !!! 

I check my voice-mail really fast !!!!

"Please Enter Your Password"


" You have one unheard voice mail"

" Hey Eliza what's up? evidently your asleep so i guess ill just tell you he responded to my text and he asked how i got his number i said my friend told me she got it from harry  he didn't seem to happy but he did say that he enjoyed talking to me after a while i don't know where it will go but ill tyyl yes i am very very happy "

end of message

i hung up and texted makena


Hey kena i got your voicemail thank you so much for tonight and ill call you after to totally tell you every detail ! Also so likes your hitting it off great with zayn so ill ttyl!!!-Eliza ttyl :P

okay so now it was 7:00 am and i had school in a hour and fifty minutes  and I have to get ready so I can be there on time!!! I walk to my bathroom and decide that ill just put dry shampoo in my hair and take a shower when i get home from school ! i quickly spray my hair and brush it out it which i now have waves all throughout my blonde hair. I quickly do a fishtail braid to the side and secure it into place.  Then i run to my dresser and pull out some white short shorts and I pick out my gray shirt that says "Let Freedom Ring" and quickly change out of my clothes from last night into some nice clean clothes than quickly slip on some grey vans! Yep that's right I have another pair of vans! And then I run to the bathroom and take my time doing my makeup I apply some foundation and concealer. Then I apply some grey eye shadow  and little mascara ,I really didn't feel like eyeliner today! So i simply pulled out a clear lipgloss from my  bathroom drawer and put it on and then i was ready!! I walked and grabbed my bookbag from my bean bag chair in the corner of my room and than head down the two flight of stairs seriously why no elevator in this mansion. I then grabbed my car keys to my porche which is dark blue and it's my baby. I quickly drive to school but stop for a starbucks since i have like thirty minutes to spare. I get a white chocolate mocha and head straight to school from there. I slowly walk into school taking my time because im dreading every minute i have to spend in this stupid place. I finally get to my first period with about two minutes to spare because i stopped and talked to luke along the way.  He's my best guy friend i really only have him and makena as my bestfriends but thats fine because it just means i have more time during the week to spend with Harry that is if he wants to which im secretly hoping he will.

3 class periods later.......

Omg i have only  like twenty minutes and this day is over and i get to go home and have a awesome night with Harry. What am i gonna wear? What should i do to my hair? All these questions keep popping through my head making me nervous as times is ticking down towards tonight . Finally twenty minutes pass by very fast when your in dance class. I quickly got changed and rushed home to take a shower  for tonight. I got home ran up the stairs again and qucikly took my shower.

As soon as i got out i grabbed the hair dryer  and blow dryed my hair and straighten it after so that it wasnt wavy. I decided that i wasn't going to wear makeup because harry said be myself speaking of harry my mental note didn't work i forgot text him so i run qucikly out of my bathroom and grab my phone that was chargin on my nightstand!


Hey sorry didn't respond hey should i wear makeup or not? LOL dont answer that last part but where shoud i meet you!! Oh well see ya later:)- Eliza

I'm hoping he'll respond right away which speakng of my phoen just lit up saying 1 new message i unlock my phone and see it's Harry.


Heyyyyy it's okay and don't worry  about makeup you look better without it and I'll pick you up at ur house!! - can't wait see ya in a little while - Harry

i replied to him telling him my adress and went back to getting ready picking out the perfect outfit i actually chose some more short shorts and the shirt i was wearing earlier and my gray vans! I honestly felt weird with no makeup but oh well. I took my time curling the ends of my hair and then i sprayed it with hairspray. 

20 minutes later.......

*ding dong* 

 i qucikly grabbed my purse and phone and ran downstairs since my mom was at work tonight i didn't think she would mind me going out tonight so i grabbed my keys and opened the door to see a tall guy with a head full of curly curls that was in a beanie and he had the prettiest green eyes i've ever seen.This guy was Harry Styles But tonight just Harry!!

"Hey you look great" he said looking at me from head to toe

I tried hiding my blush it was to late he saw it and was already smirking at me 

"Thanks you to " i said now trying to hold back my smile as i looked at the ground trying not to make eye contact.

"Thanks ready to get going?" He asked 

"Yea im ready to go just let me lock my door" i said turning around locking my door

then after that he grabed my hand and held it until we got to his car which i might say is totally awesome .Anyways he opened the door and closed it as i got in he ran around to the drivers side.  He got in and started the car and started dricing to a mystery date that i was actaually looking forward to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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