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"So uh, hey, glasses,"

You sighed and looked over to BEN, who had relocated to laying on one of (F/N)'s many, many bean bags. Leaning back against it in the most relaxed way possible, looking incredibly smug under his mask,


"How did you meet Jeff? Didn't take him as the guy to make friends,"

"We aren't friends, he attacked me in my home and is being... I- I don't know nice? It's weird and I don't like it,"

BEN snickered, not taking his eyes off the screen as he leaned further on the bean bag.

"Well, sounds to me that Jeffy-boy thinks your cool, couldn't tell you why,"

"I- The hell do you mean?"

"... Dude, he's approaching you and talking to you, Jeff doesn't do that, he barely even acknowledges me, and I keep his phone from dying on him,"

(F/N) looked between you and BEN, slowly munching on their chips, and sinking down into the beanbag, the crunch filled the room,  as BEN and you fell quiet.

"... Do you guys want me to go grab more food?"

"I- no I'll go grab some, need to get water anyways..."

You left the room rubbing his head, walking down the stairs, glancing into the living room to see (F/N)'s mother sitting on the couch watching TV. She looked over at you as you passed by, but didn't say anything.

"Snacks... snacks... kids like cereal, maybe.. ugh why am I grabbing snacks for him? He's... being annoying,"

After getting the cup of water, you grabbed some pretzel bags and turned around, to see (F/N)'s mom standing in the kitchen Doorway. You held the bags against your chest as you quietly walked pass her and started back up to (F/N)'s room.

"I didn't realize that you brought another person here?"

You froze on the spot, you didn't know why, BEN was being kind of loud, you took a breath in before smiling at the woman. Nodding as you made an excuse on the spot.

"Yeah, he's a new kid, we invited him over 'cause he didn't have friends,"

She stared you down for a moment, before smiling and nodding, walking past you and into the kitchen.

"Alright, just keep it down, and make sure to borrow a jacket if you go outside,"

"Y- Yes Ma'am, we'll try,"

You scurried back to (F/N)'s room, closing the door behind yourself and dropping the snacks to the ground, pointing at BEN and glaring. Harshly whispering to him as (F/N) picked up the snacks and laid them out on their desk.

"(F/N)'s mom knows your here, keep it down, we don't need her walking in and seeing a weird ghost kid, also (F/N) your mom said to borrow a jacket if we go outside,"

"Alright, I should have one of yours in my closet somewhere anyways,"

"You guys go outside? Aren't you here to like, not be outside?"

"No, he's here to hide from his family,"

"I'm here to shit on my siblings, why are you here, huh, BEN?"

BEN stared blankly at you and (F/N) before he put down the controller, leaving the game running as he strolled over to the window and propped it open, pointing towards the forest.

"To hide from the guy in there, duh. Well, hide for Jeff, I don't care if he gets me, but Jeff does,"

(F/N) glanced at you for a moment, eyebrows raised as BEN shut the window, locking it as well, the lock creaked as he forced it down.

"But you don't seem like the kind to just wander around in the dark without someone there- so he'll probably keep his distance. Even less likely he'll bother you if he doesn't know that Jeff knows you."

BEN took his place again, continuing to play the game, fighting off the enemies that had swarmed him. (F/N) elbowed you motioning you out of the room, where they talked.

"Dude, this is insane, we are way over our heads!"

"Yeah, obviously, but this is on me, you can kick me out whenever, I won't be mad,"

"I- No! No we're in this together shut up,"

(F/N) went back into their room, you reached for the doorknob, before deciding to take a detour and go the bathroom. Unaware to the sound of a window breaking coming from downstairs.

Jeff x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now