The New World Of The Dead!

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Hey guys before I start I just wanna make something clear I'm really bad at writing story's and spelling things 😅))

Huh W-Where am I O-Oww* Holds side* W-What the what happened where is everyone? * gets up and it's all dark and grey outside with lights flickering* Hello? Is anyone in there * I said kinda loudly walking through the halls of the hospital*Hmm..where did everyone go...? * I saw blood on the floor and got the chills for a bit and smells like something rotting* Ugh what's that smell! * plugs nose and walks deeper into the hospital I saw a guy he yelled at me to leave before he bit me* what do you mean? He quickly responded to me saying* You can't it's to late I've been bit here don't let me become one of the dead! *The person said to me as he handed me a gun* W-What I can't kill you! *The person handed to me as his skin became all grey and dead like* D-Do it don't le-let me become on of the- he started growling at me and quickly got up and jumped at me as I shot the gun at his head* W-What the H**! W-What's going on here...what happened why did he act like that hopefully I can find someone who knows the answers...* Looks at gun and looked at the guys cloths as I took his cloths putting them on and holding the gun close to me I looked outside and saw two girls one of them had Red hair and the other had a lightish blue hair they quickly ran in the building*

((Sorry I hope you guys like the first part and I can't find a way to stop typing like this! Ughhh well hope you guys liked it tell me if it was good and I'll see ya guys laterr byeee have a nice day,night,morning,afternoon or whatever time it is for you all!!!))

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