Chapter One

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Jumping out of the red Neon car, that has so many fond memories of the last 18 years, I walk onto the NYU campus my eyes dart around the new and unfamiliar area I will soon know all of and see a coffee shop not too far away. But, I also see sorority houses and fraterinity houses pretty close to my residence hall and groan knowing of all the parties and alchol that go on at fraternities.

"Alli, is everything alright dear?" my mother asks me, I turn around surpirsed not knowing she was so close, she is holding a large card board box in her small, pale hands. Her blue eyes show worry but the rest of her face neautral. Her lips pulled into a small, thin line.

"Yes mother. I am fine" I smile to her gesturing I am okay. She smiles widely back returning the gesture. I nod quickly before turning around back to the residence hall and walking up the cement steps watching my feet not wanting trip over my own feet. I check in at the desk and grab the key from the younge student doing her job at the desk and walk to the elevator getting on. My mother trailing after me.

"Alli, put your hair up into a ponytail please. It looks dreadful" she says rolling her eyes, complaining about my looks. I give her a quick glare before setting down my box on the elevator floor and grabbing my long dark blonde hair into a ponytail, twisting the hair tie around it securely. My mother gives me an approving nod when the elevator door opens and we walk through the hallway to find dorm 432 and turning the key, opening it. What I see is, approving. Pictures of family and quotes of William Shakespear hang on the bland walls, looking alright. But I spoke too soon, a girl with electric blue short hair walks into the center room wearing black clothing, converse, and a spike necklace.

"Hi, I'm Gaby" she says with no emotion. Her face a blank canvas in front of me.

"Hello, I"m Alli" I say cheerfully to release some of the tension between her and my mother. My mother then comes over to me and pulls my shoulder outside the room.

"You are switching rooms!" she whispers harshly at me. I look at her for a second before speaking trying to find my words.

"I'm eighteen, I can live with her.Its fine, I promise" I smile at her and walk back inside my room.

"Alright. Well I'm going to go now. Okay?" My mother asks with a sly smile.

"Okay. I will call you tomorrow" I promise her. She nods and with a turn in her heal she is walking out if my room, gently closing the door.

"Well your mom is a bitch" Gaby chuckles. I snap my head towards her,

"We all know I'm right" she puts her hands up in defense.

"Excuse you, but my mother is amazing" I defend my mother. Harshly snapping.

"Okay, yeah, whatever" she rolls her eyes. I mentally cuss her out before sighing and unloading my boxes to fold them so I can put them in my closet and dresser. Gaby turns and goes to her side of the room.

When I finally finish unloading all my boxes I turn to Gaby,

"When do classes start?" I ask her, tilting my head to the left.

"Next week" she simply says. Not even turning to look at me. I roll my eyes st her, and look over my room. It looks good and mature, perfect.

"What are you majoring in?" Gaby asks me, finally turning her head to me.

"Um, journalism. You?" I reply to her, looking at her green eyes.

"Environmental science" she tells me, pointing to the text book that reads, Environmental Science,

"Any minors?" she questions. Looking at the white, tiled ceiling.

"I'm doing the Fitness program they have here" I smile, proud of myself for being interested in so many things.

"Oh, theres someone there you will absolutely love!" She says with sarcasm dripping off the word, love.

"Really?" I ask with a puzzled face. She barely knows me and thinks I won't like this person. Rude.

"Definitely, no doubt in my mind" she smiles to me, an evil grin I suppose.

(A/N) Hey guys! Comment, vote, and read!!!


Fetchingstylesxx <3

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