An Interview with Selkie's Aunts

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What’s the best way to keep gnomes out of your house?

True: Moving to a different house every time they find their way in. It’s impossible to keep a gnome-free house.

Virtue: People who say they have a gnome-free house are lying.

True: Or delusional.

Virtue: Or both. All houses have gnomes. All of them.

True: Every single one.

Virtue: Little pests.

Was it hard to keep so much of Selkie’s history a secret for all those years?

True: Not really.

Virtue: Really, we always considered it irrelevant. She is who she is, what does the rest of it matter?

True: We are all always who we are. It’s as simple as that.

Virtue: And as complicated.

What’s the greatest moment in ogre history?

True: We try not to get too involved in history. Even our own.

Virtue: We like to just be left alone to live our lives. That’s our greatest moment in ogre history: surviving.

True: But we *did* help out what that Armada that one time.

Virtue: Oh, yes. The one from Spain?

True: We sent a storm to stop it.

Virtue: That’s right. But aside from that, we try not to get involved.

True: Yes.

You’ve lived on Beacon Hill for hundreds of years. What was your favorite era? Did you mix with any famous historical figures?

True: I think I liked the earliest days the best.

Virtue: When it all seemed like such a new adventure, yes, that was fun.

True: Again, we try to stay out of human events.

Virtue: But we did meet that Isabella Stewart Gardner. You couldn’t avoid meeting *her.*

Were you aware that Selkie and Ben were friends?

Virtue: Friends? No.

True: He was supposed to be protecting her. He wasn’t supposed to be *befriending* her.

Virtue: Whoever heard of making friends with a faerie, anyway?

True: No offense to Selkie.

Virtue: Selkie’s not really a faerie, you know that.

What do you like best about Boston?

Virtue: How so much of it stays the same.

True: How it never forgets.

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