Tom showed Stella how to bake bread Ryuji and Sabine sat down and talk
"Have you told her about your blood and who gave you a certain power?," Sabine asked, "I told her about my blood, how I got it and who gave it but no name that's all I haven't told her what I can do and as far that she is safe I don't have to use them," he said.
"Okay but still gonna tell her eventually don't want to lose this one do you?" Sabine asked as she walked to the kitchen, "(Hmmm maybe she's right about telling her about I can do)" Ryuji thought.
"Oh damn it ... Hmm Ryu?" Stella asked as she poked his head "Oh sorry I was just thinking about stuff" he said as he sniffed the air, "Is something burnt?" He asked "Yes I tried making cookies and they got burnt it was my first time baking," she explained.
"Okay well let's see how bad you did," he said as he walked to the kitchen "I did pretty bad I'm sure you'll....." she said as he ate them all, "Minus the burntness not bad I had worst you should of tried Nino or Adrians bleh, Stripes insta gag but yours are a lot better than hers" he said while eating the rest of the cookies.
<Time skip>
"So we better get going to the house mom" Ryuji said as he hugged Sabine, "You better visit us" Sabine said with a smile, as they walk "So about the house I want details on it" Stella said, "Well it's two stories high and the width is about a medium size mansion and we won't be alone", Ryuji said "And who's gonna be there?" Stella asked, "Well us obviously spots, whiskers, tails, shellhead, stripes" he said
(A/n Spots = Marinette
Whiskers = Adrian
Tails = Ayla
Shellhead = Nino
Stripes = Chloè)
"Oh then not your blood mom or your adoptive parents" Stella asked "No Maya is Japan and they have a bakery to run so yea", Ryuji said "Okay so basically your adoptive sister, her boyfriend, her best friend, that girl boyfriend, and your and Adrian's weirdo fan girl, and they all have abilities minus you?" she asked, "Mhm that's everyone to my knowledge now that might change who knows." he said with a smile.
"Okay I honestly can't wait to see the house I'm so excited" she said while she was hugging his arm.
<Time skip>
As they arrived to the house Stella looks at it with amazed eyes, "Wow that's our house?" Stella asked in shock, "Mhm I hope they're here or else" Ryuji said.
As Ryuji open the door Stella walked in to see a living room on the left with a medium size flat screen TV and consoles that are a Switch, Xbox 360 and a 3ds set up, with a hallway that leads to the kitchen and one the right the staircase that leads to the bedroom.
Stella faints from the sight of everything, Ryuji catches her "Whoa there sweetie, I knew should have blindfolded her" he said as he carried her to a bed and lays her down.
As Ryuji shuts he door he gets pinned by Mari and Alya "Hey Ryu" Alya said "Shhh keep your voice down Stella is tired and is resting" Ryuji said in a hushed tone, the others nodded and tipped toed down stairs.
"So what's the plan by the way your stuff is here" Mari said, "Thank you and I was thinking about a party at the hotel" Ryuji said as the others agreed, "Okay your idea, your orders, you're the boss" Nino said.
"Okay Alya grab party supplies, Nino get your DJ equipment, Marinette either bake dor buy a cake, Chloè get a room book for the party and Adrian you're with me on stall duty" Ryuji said with authority "Right" everyone said in unison as they walk to their locations.
~Time Skip~
As the others went to the places Stella woke up, "Ryu where are you?" she asked as she got up and heads out to the living room where she finds Adrian and Ryuji cooking lunch, "What's going on?" she ask "Nothing just cooking, Ryuji how about you and Stella take a look around the house and see if she likes," Adrian said he said as his eyes never left the frying pan.
Ryuji took Stella on a tour of the house, "Please keep near your guide at all times he said "Okay" she said with glee as she hugs his arm.
Alya was getting the supplies as she got a call from Chloè, "Oh hey bee I just got the supplies for the party just need the hotel room number for the party" Alya said, "Okay room is 207, get the rest I have someone to get and yes it's him so no teasing me about him," Chloè bark over the phone, "Okay chill girl I'll get the others and text Adrian when it's time" Alya said as she hung up.
As Alya goes to the hotel, Nino got his DJ equipment and headed to the bakery to check on the cake "Hey Marinette, How's the cake coming along?" Nino asked "Almost there just need to decorate it, take it to the hotel and I'll meet you there" Marinette said, "Okay" Nino said as he left her be to work on the cake.
As Nino went to the hotel, Chloè went to a house to see someone "Hey Chloè come on in" A boy said "Hey um no thanks I'm actually here to ask you something before I got to go" Chloè said, "Okay ask away Chloè" he said, "Um well there's gonna be a party at the hotel and I was wondering if you could come with me?" She asked.
Will he say yes or no? Stay tune to find out

The Dragon of France
LosoweTwo people move to france and will they get more then what they bargain for or will they happiness till then end (btw this base off of a roleplay I do)