Rejected - Part 1

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Everyone in the Wayne family are vampires. That is why they mainly patrol at night, they don't have to hide the fact that they aren't human when they put on their masks. During the day a normal person wouldn't be able to tell that they aren't human. Vampires don't burn in the sun, they don't turn to ash, they just don't like how bright it is, and it hurts their eyes. However you are not a normal person, so the first time you meet Bruce Wayne and Timothy Drake you know what they are, and they know what you are.

You are a werewolf. One without a pack, trying to survive in Gotham City. They can smell the wild in you, smell the way the forest runs through your blood. The vampires smell like darkness and blood. Even though Bruce knows what you are, he still hires you as his assistant.

The first time you meet Batman and Robin you are a wolf, that's how you recognize their scent. The next day you confront Bruce on this and he invites you back to Wayne Manor in order to discuss everything.

"I'll come, as long as you promise that your youngest son doesn't eat me" you joke.

Bruce laughed and agreed. Later that night when you arrived at Wayne Manor you could smell three vampires that you had yet to meet. An older man answered the door when you knocked, he introduced himself as Alfred, one of the mystery vampires.

"Now if you would follow me Ms. Y/L/N, I will take you to the sitting room while I finish dinner"

"Please just Y/N is fine"

"As you wish Ms. Y/N"

Inside the sitting room Tim and Damian were arguing over what show to watch, Bruce was reading a books, one stranger was sitting in between the two squabbling teens, and another was standing by the window looking out at the dark garden.

Bruce stood as you entered, "Y/N I'm glad you could join us, you have already met Alfred, Tim, and Damian, the one sitting in between them is my oldest son Dick, and the one by the window is my second oldest Jason"

You went and shook Dick's hand, but when you approached Jason he growled at you, "I'm not touching a filthy mutt" he snarled.

You flinch back at his words, "Jason!" Dick yelled, "She is a guest"

"I'm sorry" You murmur, quickly backing away from the second oldest.

"No, I'm sorry about him, I would have thought that I taught him manners" Bruce growled, glaring at Jason.

At this time Alfred walked back into the room, "Dinner is ready to be served Master Wayne, if you and your guest would come to the dining room I will serve everyone dinner."

Dinner was uneventful, the only thing that made it uncomfortable was Jason's constant glare. Much to everyone's surprise Damian was the one who talked to you the most. He was the most curious about your wolf, about your heritage, about why you didn't have a pack.

"My family was killed by some rabid vampires, my sister and I were the only ones to escape, but she wanted to go back, she wanted revenge" you sigh sadly "I couldn't convince her otherwise, so we hunted them down, killing all but one, when we found the last one my sister didn't make it through the fight, so I'm the last one left."

"I'm very sorry for your loss" Damian murmured, placing one of his hands on top of yours.

"They are old wounds, little prince, they only ache now"

"Wolves, not good for anything, can't even protect their own" Jason snarled, stabbing at his food.

Damian glared, "It wasn't her fault Todd, and she did what she could." He turned and looked at you again, "After dinner, may I see your wolf? When we met in the alley it was too dark to see what you looked like, if you don't mind of course" Damian looked at you with hopeful eyes.

"Alright, we can go out in the garden when we are done"

Damian, and even Dick and Tim, were quick to finish their meals. When everyone was done you went out into the garden, surprisingly even Jason came out to watch. The change was quick, with almost no pain. Damian gasped, and for the first time you could see a childlike joy in his eyes, you could tell that most of the time he acted much older than his age.

"Can I touch you? Please?" Damian begged.

You huffed quietly and stepped forward, nudging his chest with your nose. Your shoulders came up to about eye level with the youngest Wayne, and your body was almost as long as he was tall.

Damian buried his fingers in the fur of your neck, and you saw out of the corner of your eye that Dick and Tim were creeping closer. As a wolf you have the ability to speak with others with your mind, in your human form this can only happen with you mate, but as a wolf it is with anyone that you try to. So you extend your mind to the other Wayne's.

"You can touch me, I promise I won't bite"

"Wow!" Dick exclaimed, "That is so cool! I didn't know you could do that"

Suddenly three new pairs of hands were petting you, you glance over and see that Bruce had joined his sons in their exploration. Jason just continued to glare.

You reach out with your mind toward him, "Jason?"

You whine when your minds touch and you can hear Jason gasp. Your minds latch onto each other, you can't pull apart. Jason's eyes locked onto yours and with a snarl he storms to his motorcycle and drives away. You can feel your heart breaking as Jason gets further and further away. You lay down on the ground and whine, ignoring the questions being asked by the other Wayne's. You were heartbroken. Your mate had just rejected you.

Rejected - Jason Todd x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now