Part 1

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"No. No. No. I can not except this!" Alex huffed as she followed her mom through the house. "I am sixteen! I shouldn't need a babysitter!"

"Well I'm sorry but I'm going away for the summer and can't legally leave you here alone for that long." Her Mom said defending her actions.

"This is so unfair!" Alex protested as she plopped down on her mom's bed, watching her pack for her trip to Africa. She didn't feel like she needed someone to watch her. So was responsible and if anything bad did actually happen she could go to her next door neighbors, the Rickys.

"Would you stop pouting? I've picked someone I know you'll love." Her Mom said tossing bunches of gold jewelry in her suitcase.

"Do you think you should bring all this jewelry? What if you get robbed?" Alex said trying to freak out her mom.

"I know what your doing, Alex. I'm telling you now it won't work. I'm going, your getting a babysitter, and that is final!" He Mom said slightly raising her voice. 

Alex gave one more huff and stopped out the room. Without school and all of her adoring fans she didn't know what to do with herself. Yes, she was invited to many, many parties, and even planned on going to a few; but what about when she wasn't at parties?  All of her "friends" were stuck up snobs and rich kids. She had to put on an act around them so they would like her.

But what about when no one was around? She had no idea how to act. Going as far as to say she had lost her self and forgotten how it was to have real friends and a actual personality instead of the act she played.

Alex stopped up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door behind her. She rushed to her bed and flopped face first into the soft goose feather stuffed comforter she had gotten for Christmas last year.

"I'm responsible enough to stay home alone for two months, right?" She asked the small stuffed lion next to her and she turned to face it. "This is ridiculous..." she sighed and pulled the tiger close to her. It was a orange bangle tiger in a white hoodie. She had kept it for years because someone she cared for deeply had given it to her.

She held the stuffed animal close as she drifted off to sleep.

—Time Skip—

Alex opened her eyes slowly as she was awakened by a knock on the door followed by her Mom answering it with her normal joyful tone.

Sleeping was something that Alex had lost her handle on it. The stress of being popular was getting to her and her sleep schedule. She could barely get to sleep at night and when she did she was a very light sleeper.

"Oh, Alex!~" her Mom toned sweetly "Someone is here to see you." She excitedly voiced. Alex looked over at her alarm clock. 3:10. Whoever the babysitter was, the were twenty minutes early.

Groggy, Alex rolled out of her bed and scuffled her way out of her room. If she went too fast the babysitter would think she cared.  As she walked down the stairs she heard a familiar voice.

She hustled into the living room to see who the voice belonged too because it wasn't her mother. There in the arch way of the living room stood a ginormous man with wavy black hair. He wore a grey shirt with a band name on it accompanied by worn, but not ripped, jeans.

When Alex finally got a good enough look at his face his strong jaw, pinched nose, slightly freckled cheeks, and bright blue eyes she remembered why she knew his voice.

635 words
So yeah a cliffhanger. I know- I know. I hate myself for doing but it just makes it more fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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