Part 3

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Gavin stood right where he was staring at the black space that just was Alex. His face relaxed and sloped into a sorrow filled peak. "Alex! I didn't mean that!" He walked to the foot of the stairs, looking up wondering if he could fix this. "Shit..."

Gavin gave a puff and started up the stairs. 'This is going to suck...' he thought as he approached the door to Alex's door. He took in a long breath and held it as he knocked on her door. Letting it out to say "Alex. It's me. I think we should talk... so can I come in? Please?"

He stood at the door only to be responded to by a loud thud from the other side. "I'm serious, Alex. I really want to talk about this." Gavin stared at his feet he pleaded with Alex. "I didn't mean -everything- I said. It was a lot of pent up... stuff from awhile ago." He hadn't had to deal with these feelings in a long time.

Alex stared at he stuffed tiger... "What should I do?" Her gaze fixed on the animal. "I guess we should talk about it... but I don't like this." She said quietly. She pulled her self out of her bed and trudged her way to her door. Picking up the pillow she had thrown at the door earlier.

She groaned and opened the door, keeping her gaze straight- until she realized she was only staring at Gavin's chest. She raised her chin to stare him in the eyes. With a roll of her eyes she gestured for him to come in and made her way back to her bed.

With Gavin in tow she pulled her self on to the bed and positioned her self against the head board. She thought of it as a power pose to make her self look tougher. Gavin stopped at the side of the bed.

Staring down at his feet and rubbing his neck he slowly moved his eyes to meet Alex's. "I see you still have the tiger I gave you a few years ago." He said trying to make it a bit less awkward. "Look, Alex... I'm really sorry I said those things. It was just some stuff I had been holding in for awhile. I'm really sorry."

Alex stared at him, her eyes still misty. "It's fine. Really. I shouldn't have been so rude to you when you're just doing what you need to earn money." She looked away and slowly started to laugh. "You know we haven't talked in almost two years... I- never mind."

Gavin looking up from his feet, shocked. "No. What were you going to say?" He blurted out. "It's just that... I missed talking with you. It's stupid." Alex hung on to the pillow in her arms as if it would help her feel less anxious.

"I don't think it's stupid I've missed you too. It's just after everything I thought you were done with me and never wanted to speak to me again." The room went silent for a few moments before Gavin broke the awkward fog in the room. "Wanna show me how to work the tv? We can watch it together like we used to." He enticed.

"Um... sure. I'll set it up." Alex said as she got, setting down the pillow she was holding over the plush tiger. She headed out the room after Gavin and followed him down the stairs. When they reached the den she set up the tv and put it on a channel that shows 80's cartoons.

"You still watch this channel?" Gavin snickered as he plopped him self down in the middle of the couch. "Yes. I do."  Alex defended as she sat at the end of  couch trying to stay as far away from Gavin as she could. "You can move closer, you know? I might want to but I'm not going to bite." He laughed.

661 words
I'm sorry I haven't updated. My bad.
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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