Part 2

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When Alex finally got a good enough look at his face his strong jaw, pinched nose, slightly freckled cheeks, and bright blue eyes she remembered why she knew his voice.

He was Gavin Miller, her childhood best friend. Why would her mom make him the babysitter?! They didn't even talk anymore. She realized that as long as she was his friend she would never be popular so she had to tell him that they couldn't be friends.

The moment after she did she regretted it. But the damage was done and there was no going back- not if she wanted to keep her pride that is.

Alex had been staring at his face and not on the conversation Gavin was having with her mom. She watched his perfectly shaped lips as he talked and laughed. He occasionally swept his hair out of his eyes with his hand.

She had forgotten how handsome he was. She had tried to forget him altogether but he was too important to her childhood. Lost in thought Alex hadn't realized that Gavin had shifted his attention from Alex's Mom to Alex.

"Umm... hey." He said with an awkward half smile. "Hi." Alex said trying to duck back behind the wall she was currently hiding her body behind. "Uh, Mom?" Alex whispered just loud enough so her mom could hear.

"Yes, sweetie?" She replied. "Can I speak with you?" Alex said a bit softer this time. "Sure." Her Mom replied as she walked into the other room.

"What is it?" Her Mom chimed. "Why did you pick him out of every other human on this earth?!" Alex whisper/shouted. "Because you two used to be so close and never hang out anymore, I thought you guys could use the time to catch up. Also he's 18 so it's completely legal to leave you in his hands. But most importantly, I trust him- hell I practically raised him. I know your in good hands. With that said I'm leaving."

Alex's Mom was halfway out the door when she finished the speech.  She grabbed her daughter by the shoulder and pulled her close. "I love you. Stay safe, sweetie." She said kissing her forehead and walking out the door.

"Oh! And before I forget-" Alex's Mom stuck her head back in the door. "I left not only half of the agreed payment by an extra $200 for food. Bye bye~" she said sing song-ish-ly.

With her mom out the door and down the road in a taxi Alex turned slowly around dredging what had to come next. She finally was facing Gavin- or more like his chest. She looked up to look him in his eyes.

"Been a while." Gavin said cooly. "Why are you doing this? What is she paying you. If it's $200 I can triple it for you to leave." Alex said sternly. She hated how cool he looked when face with someone who supposedly broke his life apart.

"Why is it all about the reason behind what people do with you?" Gavin's calm expression faded a bit and the corners of his lips frowned down a little. "You know? I don't think why I thought you'd be any different?"

"Look, you don't even need to be here. You can just take the money my mom left you and leave." Alex said frustratedly. She wanted nothing to do with Gavin. Being around him made her feel sick and depressed.

Gavin's face was now completely shrouded in anger. "No. Because unlike you I don't lie and hurt people! Because I don't abandon those who need me! Because I'm not you!" His voice raised higher and higher until he was practically screaming.

Alex stood there looking up at him, his face was enough to make her tear up but now with him screaming at her she lost it. She covered her face as she ran up to her room balling. She closed her door behind her and tossed her self on her bed.

Gavin stood right where he was stare at the black space that just was Alex. His face relaxed and sloped into a sorrow filled peak. "Alex! I didn't mean that!"
He walked to the foot of the stairs, looking up wondering if he could fix this. "Shit..."

715 words

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