The Date

17 1 0

Crystal Pov

The next day he sent me a note aaking me to meet him after school. I was SO EXCITED I couldn't breath well. I met him after school in the forest by the 5th tree because that was our favorite tree to go talk. He asked me to go in his car for a surprise. When I got in the car, he put a blindfold over my eyes. He took me to some fancy restaurant that serves really good steak and are known for they're awesome Martinis. I had the medium rare 6 pound Serlion steak. He had a Serloin steak but it was 10 pounds and a 6 pound T-bone steak with a side salad. When we left the restaurant, I tried to hold his hand. It was as cold as ice. I was scared and when he dropped me off at home I did research. He is a Vampire or in latin, "The cold one". I was frightened at first but now, not so much.

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