Talking to Elijah

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This song is not part of the story and the end is weird and sad if you could call it like that

I was recording a video and then I felt a vibration in my back pocket.So when I finish the recording I look at who it is and it was the guys I meet at GameStop.(you still don't know Elijahs name)
E:Hi how are you
Y:Hi i'm good how about you
E:I didn't catch your name will I was talking to you in GameStop
Y:my name is Y/N and what is your name
E:My name is Elijah
Y:That's a nice name and unique
E:thank and your is unique as well
Y:so what are you doing
E:I'm just chilling with my brother and what are you doing
Y:I'm just editing a video
Y:uhh no I'm not
E:pff yeah sure you aren't one I'm a YouTuber as well
Y:Then what is your YouTube channel then
E:my YouTube channel is Sk3tchyt and what is your YouTube channel
Y:My YouTube channel is Y/C
E:So right now I'm talking to the 3rd most famous female youtuber
Y:yes you are
E:I feel so special
Y:I have to go now bye
E:Wait one more thing
Y: Hurry up cause my dad need me
E:Can I have your address
Y:yeah sure here(just put any address)
E:Thanks and I may visit you later so bye
Y:Don't visit me only when I tell you to
E:Okay "MOM"
Y:Don't you call me mom ever again son okay bye
E:bye Mom😂
~~End of texting~~
I have to go to my dad cause he wants me to pleasure him."What do you want dad"I said as I see him naked on his bed."you know what to do already"dad said"I know"I said as I took of my clothes getting naked and got in bed."Your such a good girl"dad said

You know what happens but I'm not going to text it cause it's weird for me

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