Chapter 2

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My body felt, tingly. Tingly to the point where it felt like needles were consistently pricking me over and over again. It was slightly painful. I tried to escape the feelings. I tried to tense my biceps but they wouldn't listen and I tried with my triceps with the same outcome. I put all my focus on my fingers, willing them to move; To show that I was still alive. Is this what the afterlife feels like? A place where your body may as well not be yours? None of my limbs wanted to move. None of me wanted to show signs of life. I wish I could say I was scared, but this is what I had wished for for ages: relief from the painful life I was living.

Instead of enjoying this fact, a thought protruded among anything else- What If I'm not dead? What if this state I'm in was just a result of the blood loss or medicines the hospital had to give me. What about all the hospital bills I'm going to have to pay. All the rent I must have missed and the fact that I had been behind already. I could feel my heart start to beat faster and my mind began to race. Well damn, if my heart's beating- I've have to be alive. My thoughts were like a city during rush hour, until everything stopped when I opened my eyes.

I saw a large, wooden ceiling above me. It wasn't the normal white I had seen many times before. My breathing was unsteady and fast, and sweat dripped down my face. My breathing was the only thing I could hear in this foreign room aside from the ticking of a clock; the only object in this world I feared more than myself. I tried to look around the room but still, my body refused to move. I was trapped in this unknown place with a numb body and my mind that was bouncing off every wall. I sat in silence for god-knows how long. I stopped listening to the ticking of the clock as quickly as my mind would allow me. I listened to my thoughts and tried to figure out ways I could pay for the bills. I could take on another job? I could skip school for a while and do that. That's one of the best options. But what job would I take on? What business wants to help me; a poor, helpless girl? No one. No one that pays well actually. But.. I've gotta do something. Maybe I could apply for Comcost? Be a receptionist? No, even they wouldn't hire me. I started experiencing symptoms of a panic attack-my heart was beating faster than when I ran a marathon and I was sweating excessively. Life was going to be hell. More of a hell than school had ever been.

Suddenly, a slow creaking sound had removed me from my thoughts. The sound seemed to stretch on for long, seeing as I couldn't see the door. I couldn't hear footsteps nor could I see a shadow among the dimly-lit room. I sat there, silent, for a few minutes until I realised no one was really there. There was no breathing of a human. It must of just been the wind. I sat in uncomfortable silence for many more minutes, letting my thoughts take over as they always do.

"...see me" My eyes widened once again and my heart began to race. Isn't there ever down time in this..this..recovery room!? A voice had whispered in my ear but there was no person; No shadows to be seen. Not knowing how to react, I sat frozen. I mean, not like I had a choice, though. I felt the area next to me turn cold, the hair on my arm standing up. Once the cold seemed to move away, I began to control my breathing as well as I could in a situation like this. I took deep breaths instead of fast, shallow ones. It hurt. My chest hurts and my sides feel like they're on fire. I closed my eyes for a few seconds while I gathered my thoughts. Someone was in the room and I couldn't see them. Either they were invisible or I was going mad. People can't be invisible, right? Magic doesn't exist..Why did they wait until I was calmed down to attack? What if they have ill-intentions? How do I know I can trust this person? What if they try to make me trust them and then stab me in the back? What of they kill me right off? I don't want to die.

When I opened my eyes, time seemed to have flown by. The room seemed to be lit by the sun instead of the artificial light of lamps. The only thing to be heard was the sound of soft chirping outside. Staying in the bed I had been lying on, I turned my body to face the window.

Hold on. I could move my body again. I quickly sat up, which had been a mistake. I started to cough, more aggressively than I ever had before. My stomach was in pain and my arm, which had been covering my mouth, was covered in blood. During my coughing fit, the door to the room slammed itself open to reveal that no one was there. Was it the wind again? That couldn't possibly be the case, the window was closed. There could of been a window open in the area outside the door, though.

My coughing went on for a few minutes but soon died down and I was able to flop back on the bed and breath. Instantaneously, I felt the space next to me dip down like someone had sat there. At this point, I wasn't able to think about much except the fact that I needed to wash my arm and I didn't want to dirty the sheets. If I ended up having to pay for them, I'd be screwed.

"-llo?" I heard that voice again and I shot a look over at where the imprint was. I saw a nearly transparent, human-like mist, floating. I blinked a single time and suddenly, the figure was a full fledged human being. Its clothing included a navy blue trench coat; Its wavy hair as red as a tomato. Its face had been covered by the old black death doctor masks that resembled bird skulls. I couldn't see any facial features, not even eyes. The window in the room was placed at such an angle that the glass of the mask made a reflection.

My heart stopped in that instant, nothing had been a barrier between this man and me. I didn't know who he was or where I was. There was never a moment of downtime with this man here. Where did he come from? Why am I in some unknown room? I know I'm not in London anymore.. You don't hear such happy birds in the morning.

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