Chapter Three

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It had been about a week since Cameron and Luna had both talked last. They had seen each other in the hallways every now and then smiling at each other both acknowledging the other. As the week went on however Cameron and Luna both began to feel as if they had become distant, neither of them had each other's numbers so couldn't ask if they were okay. Cameron was starting to worry about Luna and Luna was starting to worry about Cameron. As the bell went on Friday, everyone began the routine of shoving all their books back into their locker and making last minute plans with their friends. Luna shoved her chemistry book back into her locker and began making her way out of school.

"Hey, Luna!" Luna heard a familiar voice call out her name. She turned around to see Cameron standing right behind her.

"Hi." Luna said, still confused as to what was happening right now as they hadn't talked in the past week.

"Erm, can I get your number?" Cameron asked shyly. Luna giggled slightly at how cute Cameron was being right now. Cameron felt his face go a dark shade of red.

"Of course!" Luna replied getting out her phone and passing it to Cameron as Cameron done the same, they both typed in their numbers to each other's phones before handing them back.

"You walking home?" Cameron questioned. Luna nodded. "Do you want to just walk around instead?" Luna nodded as well.

They walked around together for about three hours before deciding to head to the out-skirts of the inner city. As the evening drew to a close they decided to go and sit on top of a hill looking down at the passing traffic. They loved being up high, just watching the world move around them, it made them feel invincible.

"So, how have you been this week?" Luna asked, she didn't want to but she felt like she had to. Cameron sighed. He hated being interrogated like this by his mum, but he felt so much more comfortable with Luna.

"I've been doing okay, ever since that night you saved my life, I've been doing better." Luna smiled, it was good to hear that Cameron was doing well.

"What about you? Anything interesting happening in your life?" Luna sniggered slightly. Cameron suddenly gave a worrying expression as if he had said something wrong. Luna noticed this and placed her hand on his hand.

"My mum finally came home; she still doesn't care about me. She came home and asked me what my name was!" Cameron sighed wrapping his arm around Luna as Luna rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's so peaceful." Luna said breaking the silence between them.

"What is?" Cameron asked.

"The night, sitting up here, looking down on the world, forgetting your troubles and worries and actually being with someone who understands you." Cameron nodded agreeing the whole time with what Luna was saying. They continued to sit in silence with each other just looking down at the cars that drove past and the people with their dogs that kept walking past and how the lights from various houses would blink on and off every few minutes. Soon Luna was fast asleep against Cameron's shoulder. Carefully Cameron slipped his phone from his coat pocket to check the time. His harsh phone lighting in the dark night said 23:12. Cameron sighed, feeling the sharp breeze hit him. He looked down at the beautiful sleeping girl and noticed her trying to curl up even more into a ball. He pulled her in closer trying to keep her warm. He would have taken off his coat but he didn't want to remove his arm from Luna's shoulders. As the minutes ticked by Cameron started to feel tired himself, he began to yawn and slowly his eye lids began to drop, feeling heavy. He shook off the urge to sleep as they were still on the out-skirts and had to walk home yet. He didn't want them both to fall asleep outside and end up getting stabbed to death. Gently he shook Luna. With a small muffled noise, Luna opened her eyes and looked at Cameron.

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