@EbonyLea; and lately I cant even eat lately I've been feeling ill, when you can not sleep at night thats when you know shit is real. You don't even need a gun you dont even need a pill; if you ever want to die fall in love and you'll get killed💭
❤️3.2m||💭908,667k@User1: is eb okay???
@HollanRoden; eb im so sorry, im always here! Xx
@User2; did holland and eb fall out?
@EbonyLea; no holland is and always will be my bestfriend x
@DylanSprayberry; Cheer up eb i love you
@User3; the whole crew know what it is
@CodyChrsitian; idk whats up but text me
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Instagram; Cody Christian
FanfictionCodyChristian; bro you never told me your friend was a solid 57/10 EbonyLea; oh don't make me blush, look at yourself!! 100% would smash @CodyChristian