You're a wizard Harry

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Unnecessary disclaimer:
Like basically every fanfiction out there this story is AU.
And like every fanfiction author I do not own Harry Potter or any related character, I hope to do this disclaimer once will be enough and I won't have to repeat it at the start of every Chapter.
ANs will be at the end of chapter unless they have to be used as disclaimers of some sort.

Addition for Wattpad: I usually upload this story on
and this is the first time I upload here, so I have no Idea how this page really works. For example I don't know how to do line breaks and have to copying them from the preview of my upload on ffnet (which as I just found out works in my preview her but not in what the reader actually sees...) because copying them from word is apparently not possible, if anyone can help me with how this page works it would be greatly appreciated.
The Art work for this story (thumbnail and this chapter) belongs to 
you can also find her on instagram under the name: nadine_gaid

Nightmare Child

October 1985

Harry was a relatively healthy five year old boy. The only problem, he was dying.
He lived with his aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon who had raised him since his parents had died when he was only one year old. They were not the friendliest of people, but they loved each other, and they loved the two boys they were raising. But it was this love that was killing him. Constantly being showered with love did nothing but starve him. The lack of negative emotions was killing something inside him, and he needed it to survive. To be fair, it was not like they did not have any negative emotions, but most of them came from things at his uncles work place or other such places and his uncle tried his best not to bring those things back home with him.

On the night of Halloween Harry had a very weird dream.
One in which he argued with himself.
And finally after he agreed with this other him, he woke up crying.
His mother had wanted him to be alive. And that is what he intended to stay, whatever the cost.


July 24, 1991

Harry was frying bacon when the mail arrived.
"Dudley can you go get the mail, my dear" said Mrs. Dursley with her sweetest voice, but Dudley was having none of it. "Make Harry do it", he said in a whiny voice while looking at his father.
"Yes you do it, boy", Mr. Dursley said with a dirty look at his nephew.
Harry took a look at the bacon, gave a small sigh and then shrugged. He put the bacon on a plate and went to collect the mail. He picked up the letters and made his way back looking through them. There were some bills, a letter from uncle Vernon's sister Marge and for some reason a letter with a red wax crest on it.
Even more strange, the letter was addressed to Harry Potter Privet Drive 4 the cupboard under the stairs. The fact that it even said where he slept worried him slightly but in the end, it mattered little.
He thought about throwing the letter through the slits of his door before entering the kitchens but decided against it.

What followed was a weirdly amusing scene in which Mr. and Mrs. Dursley looked worried because Harry had gotten a letter from something called Hogwarts or something like that. Dudley was shocked that Harry got a letter at all, no matter how odd. After a few moments Mr. Dursleys expression changed from worry to anger and the to smugness as he ripped the letter apart.

After Mr. Dursley had destroyed the letter he grabbed Harry shoved him into his room and locked the door.

Harry just sat there in the dark.
The lightbulb in his room actually worked even if his aunt and uncle believed otherwise, but Harry rarely if ever turned it on.
After almost two minutes he suddenly began blinking rapidly and shook his head a few times.

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