Welcome to Hogwarts

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Harry was quite annoyed at Hagrid for not mentioning how to get to platform 9 ¾ ticket while he stood around not knowing what to do.

When he spotted the Weasley family he almost yelled of joy.

"Well, hello there Harry", Mrs. Weasley greeted him happily.
"Hello ma'am, could you help me getting to platform 9 ¾?" He said.
"No need for that ma'am nonsense my dear, I'll sure be happy to help you."
With that the entire family continued on from platform 9 towards platform 10.
After she introduced her family, or at least those who were present, for there apparently were even more kids, they reached platform 9 ¾.
While the twins Fred and George who constantly made jokes about which of them was which helped getting Harrys stuff on board of the train he briefly talked to Ginny and promised her to send her a letter how Hogwarts was some time. He would have liked to continue talking to the Weasleys, but the train was just about to leave already so he went to search for a compartment that wasn't to full yet.


Hermione Granger was immersed in Hogwarts: A History and did not quite notice the person knocking on her door at first. As a consequence, she was startled when the door opened a little and there was a boys voice asking if there was any free space left in her compartment.

She wasn't sure whether she wanted to let him in, because she was sure to get ridiculed about her books again but in the end she thought it would be petty and rude to send him away for such a reason.
"Come in", she answered the question and was surprised when she saw a boy enter who looked more like he had just turned ten at best. He was scanty and slightly pale and had a few painful looking scars on his hands. His cloths looked like they were several sizes too big and were slightly torn.
"Hi, my name is Harry", he said after putting away his stuff and sitting done.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger."
"What are you reading", he said after a moment of silence.
At that she got a little exited and started telling him all about her books. She did realize that she was going a little overboard, but he had asked her so surly it was ok to tell him.
She reigned herself in after about 5 minutes or so, because she noticed that she had been the only one talking for quite some time. Was she annoying him already and he was just tolerating her because he did not want to search for another compartment? She started panicking slightly but then she noticed him look at her curiously. She settled for a compromise.
"So what are your favourite books?" She asked hopeful.
"I'm not sure I have a favourite book yet. Maybe the potions book, because it reminds me of cooking." He answered but his was seemed slightly off.
"You don't have to choose a school book. Did you read all the school books yet?"
"Hmm, I only read two not school related books and those were on wizarding culture and I'm not yet done with those. For your other question, no I started reading all of them, but I did not get to far, yet."
"Oh, why not. You read books about wizarding culture, does that mean you are muggleborn as well?"
"Muggle raised to be more precise, my parents were both magical, but they died a long time ago and I was raised but my aunt and uncle who are muggles."
"Sorry to hear that", she said but he just shrugged it off.
He looked thoughtful for a moment before changing the subject.
"Is there any useful information in Hogwarts: A history? Or is it just trivia that is nice to know?"
The question surprised and exited her because she really wanted to continue talking about books instead of awkward social stuff.
"Well, you see there is lots of trivia that might prove very useful. For example, did you know that the ceiling in the great hall is spelled to look like the night sky above?"
"So there is a great hall, good to know." He answered.
She wasn't sure whether or not he was mocking her or not but since he was listening with what she hoped was interest as long as the information she was providing was even slightly useful she was content to continue on, and on, and on.
Before she knew it there was a knock on the door and a voice informing them that they would reach Hogwarts soon and that they should put on their robes if they had not yet done so.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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