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  "Mijo, come on. You're going to be late!" I reluctantly pulled my lips away from Tobias' and glare at my closed bedroom door.
  "I'm almost ready, I'll be out in a minute!" I heard my father sigh from the other side.
  "Is Tobias giving you a ride?" I switched my gaze to my beautiful boyfriend's as he nodded.
  "Yes, he's on his way!" Papa grumbled some words I couldn't make out as I heard his footsteps walking away.
  "Come on, it's time to go." Tobias whispered softly rubbing my cheek with his thumb.
  It was a little over a week since the meeting with the council, and I was back in my own house, not without protection of course. Tobias snuck in through the window every night, and if he was ever gone without me, there were two wolves hidden among the trees.
  "Why can't we skip and just spent the whole day right here?" He chuckled and gave my nose a small kiss.
  "Trust me, love. There is nothing I would want more than to spend the day holding you, but you've missed way too much school as it is." I groaned, knowing he was right.
  "Fiiiiiiiine. I guess I'll get up." I sighed and pulled away from Tobias', only to get yanked right back down. "I thought you said we had to get up?" I giggled. He smiled and held me a bit tighter.
  "Not without a kiss, silly!" I blushed and kissed him softly before pulling away again. That time, he let me and sat up a well.
  "I have to get dressed. No peeking!" I told him, making my way to my closet.
  "I'll try my best, love." I rolled my eyes and studied the clothes I had hanging.
  "Blue or red?" I asked.
  "Blue. It makes you look sexy." My face grew warmer as I ignored his comment, but still pulled the navy sweater from the hanger.
  I dressed quickly, making sure there weren't dazzling boyfriend eyes watching me.
  "You can look now, I'm all dressed." Tobias looked up and let out a soft whistle.
  "Damn, my mate is good looking!" I rolled my eyes and giggled.
  "Oh, hush. You should get dressed too. I'm going to go downstairs." He groaned, but stood up and made his way to me, kissing my forehead.
  "I'll see you in a few minutes, okay babe?" I nodded and let him press his lips onto mine.
  I turned around with a red face as he  pulled down his sweatpants. I heard him laugh as I rushed out of my room.
  "Morning, Pops!" My father looked up from his newspaper with a smile.
  "Good morning, Mijo. Sleep well?"
  "Very well." I answered with a smile.
  "Good!" He sipped his coffee and continued reading his paper. "Oh, by the way, tell Tobias that if he's going to sneak in the house for the night, he needs to park further away." I blushed and sat in front of him.
  "I have no clue what you're talking about." He gave me a bored look and shook his head. He folded his paper and set it in front of him before clasping his hands in front of him.
  "Look, I know you two care deeply for each other, but you know you don't need to sneak around." I sighed and nodded.
  "I know. I'm sorry, Papa. It's just ever since the incident, I can't sleep unless he's there. I feel safe around him." He smiles and reaches his hand out to me. I placed my palm against his and let him hold it.
  "I know, Mijo. I trust you. I can tell you two belong together. Just please, no sex while I'm home." My eyes grew to the size of moons as I choked on my own saliva. I was about to respond, but was interrupted by the loud dinging of the doorbell. I scrambled to my feet to get the door, my cheeks burning.
  "Hey cutie! Sleep well?" Tobias grinned as I opened the door.
  "Don't even pretend, kiddo. You're horrible at sneaking in." My dad called from the kitchen. Tobias winced.
  "Sorry, sir... It's just Gill-"
  "Sleeps better with you there, yeah yeah. Already got that from him. I don't care. Use protection, wait until I'm not home."
  "Oh we will definitely use protection. I'm not ready to be a mom." I said quietly, only so Tobias could hear. He laughed and nodded.
  "Yes, sir. We're not ready for that anyway." I was surprised my face hadn't burst into flames.
  "Okay, I don't want to talk about my son having sex." My father grimaced. "You two get to school, and don't be late!" He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
  "Bye, Papa. Have a good day at work!"
  "Have a good day, Mijo. Love you!"
  "Love you too!" I grabbed my backpack and followed Tobias out the door and to his truck.
  "Alright, come here cutie." I giggled as he opened his harms. I launched myself at him and he caught me, his arms curling around my waist. He pecked my nose and effortlessly lifted me and set me gently onto the seat.
  "You need a smaller truck." I whined after buckling my seatbelt.
  "It's not my fault you're so tiny and adorable." Tobias kissed my pouting lips before shutting the door and walking to the driver's side, climbing in.
  As he started the truck and began pulling out of my driveway, I took the opportunity to study him. He was truly beautiful. His eyes practically sparkled, and they were surrounded by his feather-like lashes. His lips, which I loved kissing so much, were pillowy and full. His skin, without a single flaw, was tan and golden. His muscles were, dare I say, delicious looking. He wasn't overbearingly buff,  but he had just enough to make my heart stop every time I looked at him.
  "Why are you staring at me?" I blushed and looked away once I was caught.
  "You're beautiful..." Tobias was silent, so I looked up, and he had a bright smile on his face. He pulled the truck over to the side of the road for a moment, instantly reaching and unbuckling y seatbelt, pulling me closer to him.
  "No, love. If anyone here is beautiful, it would be you." I grinned and looped my arm through his.
  "I love you." I whispered.
  "I love you too." He pressed a small peck against my lips and turned back to the road, beginning to drive again.
  "You know, two months ago I was a miserable, closeted, gay boy with absolutely no friends. Now I have three, amazing best friends, a beautiful werewolf boyfriend I am crazy about, and I'm proud to be myself." I said with a happy grin.
  "I know, and I am so proud of you."

We pulled into the school parking lot shortly after, Tobias parking in his usual spot.
  "GILLY!!" I jumped as a loud screeching voice headed toward me. Tobias pulled me from the truck and set me gently on to the pavement. Soon, Holly's thin frame crashed into mine.
  "Hey, Holly." She giggled and squealed again.
  "I found my mate!" My eyes widened and soon, I was squealing along with her.
  "Oh my gosh! Who??"
  "His name is Levi, and he just moved here! I think he's a couple years older than us... But I saw him at the mall with his brother, and he's so handsome!" I hugged her tightly.
  "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you! Tell me everything!" Just as Holly opened her mouth to speak, the piercing ring of the warning bell assaulted our ears.
  "Ugh! Okay, later!" She giggled once more before skipping away.
  "Well, that was interesting." Another voice said. I turned my gaze to see Ajax standing with his arms crossed in front of him. "Welcome back, Squirt! You ready for first period?" I groaned and nodded. I felt a soft pair of lips press against my temple and I looked up at Tobias.
  "I'm gonna head to class, okay? I'll see you later." I nodded and stood on my tip toes, puckering my lips as well. Tobias just chuckled before kissing me softly.
  "I love youuuu!" I told him with a wide smile.
  "I love you too." He gave me one last kiss before waving goodbye and made his way to the school.
  "Alright, come on short stuff!" I huffed and glared at Jax, but followed closely behind him anyway.

  I rolled my eyes as yet another person began whispering as I walked past them.
  "Yes, I'm gay. I have a boyfriend. You can all mind your own business now!" I grumbled, though no one could hear me.
  "TOBY!" I turned just in time to catch the small body of my mate in my arms as he launched himself toward me.
  "Hey, love. Having a good day?" He giggled and nodded, locking his angelic eyes onto mine.
  "Yes! I have a new assignment for art and I'm so excited!" I chuckled and pecked his nose before linking our hands together and heading down the hall.
  "Oh? Care to explain?"
  "I have to paint something that makes me unbelievably happy, sooooooo I want to paint you!" I couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto my face.
  "I make you unbelievably happy?" His face turned slightly pink as he nodded shyly.
  "Of course you do, silly! So can I? Can I paint you, pretty pleeeeeease?"
  "Hmm..." I pretended to think it over, even though I knew my answer. "Angel, you don't even have to ask, of course you can paint me." He squealed and squeezed me tight.
  "Yayyy! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!" I kissed the top of his head and set him gently on his feet.
  "Alright, you ready for lunch?" He wrinkled his nose in disgust, but nodded anyway. I didn't blame him, the school's food was horrendous.
  We walked, hand in hand into the cafeteria and found our place in line. That is until we were forcefully shoved out of the way by a hyperactive she-wolf.
  "Holly, what are you doing?"
  "My new boo works at a super yummy restaurant and he brought us all lunch!" She stopped shoving us, as we began following her to our usual table.
  "Wait, is this dude a wolf?" I whispered to her. She shook her head.
  "No, but apparently he's crossed paths with them before, because he knew all about mates and stuff. He felt the pull right when I did."  For some reason, that gave me a bad feeling. A random human shows up right when all of the hunters do, and for some reason, know all about werewolves? Gill looked up at me and gave me a worried look, thinking the same thing as me.
  "It's okay, you know I won't let anything happen to you, love." He sighed and nodded, squeezing my hand. As soon as we reached the table, Holly practically leaped onto a tall figure. He was definitely human, and I didn't smell any scents I recognized as dangerous. However, my guard was still up.
  "Guys, this is Levi. Levi, this is my bestest friend, Tobias, and my even more bestest friend, Gill!" Gill waved shyly, as I just studied Levi.
  He was tall for a human, but still shorter than me. His hair was a very light blonde, and his eyes were a light green. He was definitely older, but not by much.
  "It's a pleasure to meet both of you." He gave us a polite smile and turned his attention back to Holly. Gill and I sat down, Ajax across from us.
  "You're getting a weird vibe from him too, right?" Jax asked through the link.
  "Yeah, let's just keep a close eye on him for now. And make sure he doesn't get alone with Gill."

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