~Chapter 13~

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Flames burst around me from where I poured alcohol, I carelessly walk around the flames and head for the door.
"JOYCLEN!" Luke yells, frantically trying to stop the flames from spreading.
I didn't care, at lest not anymore. I stop in front of a picture of Clary and I that stood on a stool near the door, lifting it a look closely at the picture before dropping it carelessly on the floor letting it smash into pieces. I open the door with Luke not far behind, walking out I don't turn back only walk. Everything was going to burn, Clary's room her clothes, her drawings and art kits, all her memories. All our memories will be lost and burnt to ashes nothing will be left to be saved, nothing....

I'm soaked but I didn't have the time to care, I lift myself swiftly onto my feet before entering the Clave's cambers.
"Who dare enters-Clary? What is with the-oh dear don't tell me your an Endarkened?" They didn't show any sympathy, but asked the question as I wore the red robes if Endarkened.
I give a splattered laugh before answering "you wish, I'm here to leave you with a message, I may be with Sebastian but if he ever found out that I had been giving you this information I would be killed! So please! Believe me when I says this".
"Get on with it child" a women spoke to me, I give her a challenging look to not dare mess with me.
"Sebastian is in the New Yorks institute and is not hesitating to kill anyone who passes as a threat! Jace lightwood has evacuated anyone who once was inside, Sebastian has claimed the institute and has a powerful army of Endarkened waiting your arrival, so if we are going to attack we are going to do it my way! Or by all means walk straight to your death".
The Clave talk amongst each other before turning an answering, "very well, but only if you swear your allegiance to us".
"Really!?" I think towards myself before kneeling.
"I swear on the angel Raziel that I give my allegiance to The Clave and only The Clave" standing I wait for their satisfied faces.
"Well then, tell us the plan".
I give them a satisfied look before answering, "well then, your going to have to trust me".

"Your not going to get anywhere playing around like this!" I complain to Camille, I have to admit with Camille not as dangerous as she was her human side isn't that bad of company.
"Hey! don't judge! your not the one who got their immortality taken away and only left with a dyeing corpse!".
"Shhhh *I joke* don't say that! your body will hear you and then stop working for good!".
She looks at me strange before laughing, it was comforting to hear her laugh, she never really was a cheerful person.
"Don't be a tease! your here to help me!" Camille said through laughter.
"Ok, ok I have to say you have improved faster than I anticipated, which is a good sign, means your one step closer to fighting a war you "think" you'll win".
My words quickly wiped the happy smile off her face, "really now? well I plan to laugh in your face when I am standing on the winning team!".
"Oh come on! can you hear yourself right now?! you sound like a high school student who wants to win a cheerleading championship!".
Camille just stared, which by fact wasn't pleasant. "Quit staring and get back to your exercises!".

"Look at you! this is what you've always wanted isn't it?" I question Sebastian.
"Yes but there is one quite valuable thing I desire more than anything".
"And what is that?"
"You, Clarissa" the words made me want to barf, they way he wanted to control me was sickening, but I couldn't show it.
"Oh I'm flattered!" I slowly walk to where he stood at the top of the stairwell, over looking the institutes entrance.
"Claris- Clary?" Sebastian stumbled for my name.
It was a shock for him to say my preferred name for once, "yes".
"You know I've never cared about anyone the way I care for you, and I never believed I could have such ability to hold power over such a women-*his words were horrid*-and I'm not afraid to tell you that I love you Clary" he was so vulnerable at this stage, but at the moment I couldn't care less how he acted but the words he spoke that killed me most.
"Um-argh what?" Chocking on my own words.
"You heard me" Sebastian gives me a wicked smile as to show he wanted something more from this moment.
"I-I don't know what to say".
"Don't say, show me, kiss me".
"In front of all these Endarkened? *i lean in close to whisper* I find that disturbing, don't you think?".
"Oh Clary, they couldn't care less about my actions or my love life, they only serve me".
"Hold me" I whisper.
He looked bewildered but didn't hesitate to obey, I bring myself close wrapping my hands around his neck, sending shivers down his spine.
"Is this what you disire? my lord" I cock my head to the side before slowly, leaning in and pressing my lips against his. The kiss lasted a while, but I refused any clash of tongue and any sexual action, slowly I slide my hand down his neck to his waist, I then gently lift my hand off him to hover over the hilt of my sword. We pull apart and Sebastian couldn't help but smile an accomplished smile.
"I'm truly sorry, my lord" I say to him.
"For what Clary? you've done nothing wrong".
Were his last words before I drove the blade through his heart, staggering back his breaths quicken and shorten, as he looks down terrified at what happened, as the blade stuck out of his chest.
"You might not be that easy to kill, but that blade is laced with demon venom, you may not die but your body will rot and drag you down as you push yourself onwards on your killing spree, it will send you crazy maybe even suicide, you did create the immortality spell you put on yourself so you'd know how to undo it! as they say "tutti possono rompersi" everyone can break". I step away from Sebastian the blade still lodged in this chest and scream out for my army to come inside, one by one the Endarkened fell to there knees and spasmed because what ever happened to Sebastian happened to them.
"So long "brother"". I say before shadow hunters flooded into the institute, slaying the Endarkened to be sure.

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