Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"I will have the 8 oz Steak. Cooked Medium please. Oh and I'll have a glass of red wine." I gave the waiter my menu as I turned to see Liam give me an amused look. I smiled and grabbed his hand. I had a feeling I was going to need alot of alcohol in my system to make it through this meal.

Liam also got a steak but it was a little bigger than mine. He settled with a Coke though. Jimmy got the biggest steak on the menu because he has a bottomless pit of a stomach with a high metabolism so he's always stick skinny. My mom got a salad...of course. It's what she always eats. My dad got a 12 oz steak, the same as Liam. He got a beer though too. 

Liam rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb as my mom and Jimmy chatted. I looked over at Liam and took in how handsome he looked today. I was happy, that there was no screaming fans or paps here because we were eating at such a high class restaurant that teens usually don't come here. We were alone and we didn't have to worry about a scandal being let loose.

"So Liam. Are you going to go to college?" My father asked, for the first time directing his voice towards Liam. Both of us looked at me dad and I squeezed Liam's hand tighter. Liam cleared his throat.

"Well I'm not sure. It depends how far me and the boys go. I have a feeling we will be pretty successful but if we're not, then yes I do plan to go to college." Liam answered. I give him a smile and when my wine comes, I drink most of it and tell him to give me a refill. The waiter had an amused smile on his face.

In London, you only have to be eighteen to drink but sixteen if your parents order it for you. So I'm going to have a great use of that while I'm with my parents. 

"Is this a summer fling?" I coughed on my drink, causing Liam to pat my back lightly and then rub it. What?!

"What the hell, dad?" I growled out, giving him a hard glare. He holds up his hands in surrender, giving me a look that says he did nothing wrong. 

"I'm just wondering what Liam has in mind with my little girl." He bites out. I sigh and drops my head into my hands. Liam takes a drink of his Coke before he answers.

"No, sir. I plan to date your daughter until she is sick of me." I wanted to tell him that that'll never happen. My father didn't seem pleased with this idea. He took a drink of his beer. Oh boy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Are you a virgin, Liam?" Good God! I took a big swig of my wine as I looked at Liam who had the expression of wanting a drink also. This is such a terrible yet awkward conversation. Liam laughed lightly and nodded his head.

"Yes sir, I am." I wasn't sure if he was lying just to being on my fathers good side or if he really was a virgin. But that was a discussion for later. I offered Liam some of my drink but he chuckled and shook his head.

"I can't, love. I only have one kidney." He explained. I opened my mouth. Wow. There really is alot that I don't know about this man. As I looked into his milky brown eyes I forgot that my father's snide questions. It was only me and him. That's what Liam's eyes do to me. 

"Well, now we know you're not a drunk." My mom said in a happy voice. I smiled over at her, glad she acutally approves of Liam. 

"What are your interests in my daughter?" My dad asked again. I glared and took another gulp of my wine. When it was gone, I grabbed Jimmy's beer and drank someone of that. It really did help my anxiety. Liam looked around the table and then settled with my dad, shifting a little. 

"Um. Well..." His eyebrows creased together as he tried to think of something to say. 

"Dad. Please." I gave him a pleading look.

"I just want to make sure he isn't going to hurt you like Mark, Claire. Is that so bad?" My dad asked, a fake smile on his lips. I really wanted to smack that look off of his face. Does he really think I was going to date a guy like Mark again? His lack of faith in me wounded me. 

"I will never hurt Claire. Never." Liam said with a voice that expressed dominance and confidence. I knew he was nothing like Mark. He'd never hit me or abuse me. He'll never hurt me physically, but he'll never hurt me mentally either. I already love him and it's been six days. I do not regret it. I never will regret falling for Liam. 

"Great. Has he passed your test now, dad?! Can we move on, please?" I begged. And if on cue, the food was put in front of me. Liam had to release my hand so he could eat but I kept mine on his knee. 

"So Claire, have you met Liam's parents yet?" My mom asked us. I shook my head the same time Liam answered.

"They want to meet her tomorrow. If that's okay with you guys of course." I stared at Liam with wide eyes. Why did he not tell me this?! Liam looked over at me and arched an eyebrow, mouthing "what". I sighed and took a big bite of steak only to drink it down with wine. 

"Yeah! Go ahead! Have fun!" My mom exclaimed. I laughed shakily as I rubbed my hand up and down his thigh. Liam watched me for a moment before he creased his eyebrows together and lowered his lips to mine. 

"We don't have to do it tomorrow if you don't want to." He whispered. I shook my head and squeezed his thigh.

"No. I want to. I do. But what if they don't like me?" I asked. Liam burst out laughing, throwing his head back before he hugs me. 

"Oh, Claire. They haven't even met you yet and they love you." Liam said, ignore the others around the table. I smiled and blushed, glancing at Jimmy who seemed to really enjoy Liam. He wasn't hating on him like my father was. And I was happy about that. My brother has to approve of the man I'm with. It's a must. If he doesn't... I have no idea what I would do. 

"Well good." I flashed my teeth and took another bite of steak. My mother watched us with a smile on her face. When I glanced her way she mouthed "hot", sent a wink and a thumbs up. I was glad that Liam was too preoccupied with watching me that he didn't see what my mom did. It was embarrassing. 

"So, do the boys like Claire?" My mom asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes as Liam nodded and grabbed my hand.

"They already treat her like she's part of the group. They enjoy her company and always ask when she's coming back." I blushed even more and Jimmy let out a throaty chuckle. I glared at him, knowing what was on his mind. 

"Keep them entertained, Claire?" Jimmy asked. I slapped his arm and everyone laughed. Even my dad. Though he tried to stifle it, it was still evident. I gave Liam a look but he was too busy laughing. 

"Liam! Stop! That's not funny!" I cried, pushing on him. Liam had to wipe his eyes as tears leaked out of them. He calmed down to look at me. But when he saw my pissed expression, he burst out laughing again. 

"I'm sorry, Claire. I just can't imagine... I mean, us guys do share alot. But I can never imagine sharing you." He said in a soft voice as he pushes hair behind my ear and leaned over to kiss me once. I let out a breath. He's good at making me feeling better and reassuring me. I'm surprised that he could go from laughing so hard to being sweet and sincere. 

"School started in two and a half months, Liam. Is that going to change the way you feel for her?" My dad asked in voice that was less authoritative than before. Liam had a small smile on his lips as he looked in my eyes and shook his head.

"No, sir. I love your daughter. And I will fight for her. No matter the obstacle." 

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