Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

My heart raced as I stayed stationary in the spot I've been standing in for about ten minutes. I stared at the tour bus in front of me, not believing that this is actually happening, that Liam was actually here in Chicago! I felt my eyes water as I urged myself to walk towards the bus. I need to see him again! I need to hug him and tell him how much I love him!

But my legs wouldn't move. They were frozen, stuck. I was too shocked and happy to move. This was one of the best presents I have ever gotten. It was tied to Liam's present to fly Sammy to London. Two of my favorite people both paid for the other to see me. This was overwhelming!

"Claire... Go!" Sammy literally pushed me and I stumbled forwards. With my legs unfrozen, I was able to sprint towards the bus that was surrounded with crazed fans. I had no idea as to how I was going to get to the bus with the cranky security guard standing there. He had his arms folded as he stood in front of the door, refusing to let the squealing girls pass. I tried to squirm my way through but it was difficult.

Girls yelled at me and screamed, telling me to get to the back and that I was cutting in line... But to be honest... there was no line! It was a large mass of girls jumping and pushing! But I finally got to the front and looked up at the towering guard. "I need to get in there! I have to see Liam Payne! I'm Claire Carson! His girlfriend!" I yell to him over the loud girls. He raises his eyebrows and nods.

"Uh huh, just like the other hundred Claire Carson's?" He motions to the girls behind me. I opened my mouth to speak but he cuts me off. "No one see's One Direction without their permission." He tells me in a steely voice.

"Okay! Then ask them! I guarentee they will accept me. In fact, I'm one hundred and ten percent sure they will! Please!" I cry. He looks at me for a moment before he lifts his head and turns into the statue he was before. I groan and pull out my phone to call Liam. The phone rings twice before he picks up.

"Hey babe! I'm sorry I haven't called but I can expla-"

"LIAM! TELL YOUR STUPID GUARD TO LET ME IN!" I cut him off, yelling through the screams. I hear stumbling and ruffling on the other end before the door is ripped open and Liam's eyes land on me.

"Paul! Let her in!" Liam yells. They fans scream and rush towards him the same moment Liam grabs my hand and yanks me into the bus. I gasp and trip a few times before I right myself and turn to see Liam. He shuts the door, blocking out the screaming. I smile widely as I take in my beautiful rock star boyfriend. He looks so handsome, his wild, wavy hair all mused and his milky brown eyes dancing with happiness. His teeth are white and shining as he smiles his landmark grin.

Then he pulls me into his embrace, crushing me to his chest. I feel my back crack yet again but I don't mind. I hold him to me and bury my face into his chest and he does the same to my neck. I tangle my fingers into his silky hair and close my eyes. "I missed you so much!" He says. I smile and pull back to kiss him with as much force as I possibly can. He moans and places his hands on my hips as he kisses me back with as much fervor as I supplied.

But he ended the kiss too soon to show me that were were being watched by a smiling Harry, Niall and Zayn but a jumping up and down Louis. Before I am given a chance to say 'hi', I'm being tackled to the ground and covered in kisses by Louis. I laugh and try to shove him off but he collapses on me and lets out a sigh in my ear.

"Oh, I've missed you." He coos. I laugh and look up at the four guys standing over us, watching our little moment. Our little awkward moment. Louis isn't my boyfriend but he acts like I'm a girlfriend he hasn't seen in a year. I wonder how Eleanor, his girlfriend, would say if she saw this.

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