Fit in

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You try to fit into a group where you don't belong
You try to remove part of yourself to be normal
you get rid of what's different about you
you get rid of what makes you who you are
but why
you do it to fit in
well that's ridiculous it's ludicrous 
Being normal is a tragedy
It make you just one of the crowd
You follow in their footsteps 
Just to end up at a roadblock
Just to end up regretting it all
So why do you want to fit in
When you can be different
You can change what's holding everyone back
you can be the hope
but if you just follow the system
your dying
your fitting in for nothing
douesnt it hurt
don't you feel anger or misery
when you think of all the mistakes your making
how far your pushing in the wrong direction
of course you don't because you only cared about fitting in

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