chapter 9

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Emily dropped her supplies at her place and went with Derek to his place.

"Hey Derek, do you mind if I tag along with you?" she asked.

"Yeah sure. Why not? We can cook some lunch after putting all the supplies in their places. Maybe I can flaunt my cooking skills in front of you." he said.

"Oh, I would love that. Thank you so much Derek!" she said with a wide grin.

They put away all the groceries in their places and started off at lunch.

"Do you want my help?" Emily asked from her seat in front of the kitchen counter at the breakfast bar.

"No you just enjoy our drink," he said as he went back to peeling the carrots for the vegetable pasta he was making for her.

"Derek?" she asked

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Your eyes are fantastic! Like they're a mystery to me. Nobody can tell what's going on behind those drooping eyelids of yours. I love your eyes." she said

"I guess thanks. I got them from my maternal side of the family," he replied.

"I love the color of your hair. They were glowing in the sunlight and they're a mystery for me," he said.

"Like Rapunzel in Tangled?" she asked.

"Who's Rapunzel?" he asked.

"Are you really not an alien? You really don't know Rapunzel?" she asked bewildered.

"Derek, every child knows Rapunzel. She was a beautiful lone girl with long hair that glowed when she sang," she replied.

"Emily, I was not a common child," he told her sternly. She sensed his change of mood.

"Its okay Derek! I can understand how you feel when I talk about your childhood. Trust me, Derek, I won't judge you by your past because you didn't judge me by my past. Let go of things. It makes things easier." she said.   

"Thanks for understanding. I've never talked about things. It will take me some time for me to open up to you." he replied.

"It's the first time in my life, I've let anyone in my house." He said looking at her.

"Well, I guess I should feel honored then." She said with a wink.

After a few minutes, Derek had finished preparing dinner.
"Here you go, Ms. Emily.  Here's your dinner.  Would you like anything to drink?" He asked as he put the plates of scrumptious plates of pasta on the table.

"No thanks. I'm fine, chef." Emily winked again.

"As you say, mademoiselle." He said with a smile as he refilled their glasses with water.

"Let's start eating. I don't think I've ever eaten such a good looking vegetable pasta in my life. To be honest, I don't even want to touch it but sorry pasta I have to eat you." Emily said making animated faces.  Derek smiled looking at her.

Women around Derek always tried to act very sophisticatedly and poised.  It was what drove him away from them. Emily didn't pretend. She was natural with everything she did. She didn't hesitate before eating in front of him whereas he had seen some women in his office who stopped eating when they saw him. Because they were afraid of being clumsy.

"What's your favorite color, Derek? " Emily asked with interest as she looked at him while he was still eating.

"Darker shades of blue, black and grey. What about you?" He asked as he finished eating his dinner.

"Well, umm... I don't have a favorite color but I love earthy tones as well as dark colors." She answered as she played with a strand of her hair. It was doing things to him. He couldn't take his eyes off the finger that kept twisting the hair around it. It was feminine. Natural.

"Derek, do you have someone in your life?" She asked as they cleared the dishes and now sat on the couch in his room. She saw his shoulders tense.

"I'm sorry. It's not my place to ask but I just couldn't help wondering why such a handsome and good person like you doesn't have anyone to live with. "She said with a sad smile.

"No Emily. I don't have anyone in my life. Except for my mother and my sister. I don't share my life with anyone. It's just not me. And you don't need to apologize for asking a question." He said.

"Where does your mother and sister and live?" She asked.

"My mother and sister live here in our ancestral home." He said

"You must be filthy rich to have an ancestral home. No offense but I just hate people who have money to burn whereas people still live on streets in this age." She said with disgust.

"No, we're not "filthy rich" as you put it, Emily. We work hard to earn what we have." He said with a cold stare.

Derek knew that instant that he'll have to do anything to keep his identity hidden from Emily or she'll hate him too. He knew that he couldn't let go of this woman in front of him.

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