The new beginning.

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Darkness has a cold of you... Oh how delightful,

You hear the darkness growl, "Only the light is the ugly truth. Don't you feed her."

It had said with a warning, but it got old what the demons said,

They had said many things, many things they can be or not true.

They say don't go in the light nothing will be there,

But is it true, think not, open your eyes and take breath.

Look around take light steps, what do you see?
How does the beauty of the world blind you, how does it faze your feelings?

Is it fresh and calm, or dark and chaos?

"Oh delightful, little mystery we have here, lets destroy it!" the darkness had cheer.

But no, oh no you stopped them, and waited for what to come.

Such innocent, such energy the mystery had to give,

Such light they had revolving around them, why are they so happy?

The light was supposed to be bad in many ways, but why does this one revolve so bright?

Does the mystery light shines bright or dimmer with each step.

Do the mystery gives up on their intention. Their happiness, their brightness beats everything,Why is it getting dimmer, why is it getting darker."The mystery faded, their light faded!" The darkness cheered happily,

No, it's not the end, their light was in their hands to keep it safe.

Such a smile, that is kept in place. Humming a tone that's unknown.

But then again, mystery's light had grown, grown to you.

Everywhere, the light had shown the great and bad around.

Mystery's light put a smile on your face, and the time started again.

For that they showed everything and was readable, and lovable,

The darkness inside had died and the light inside of you had grew, 

Standing beside the mystery, who gave you light.

The darkness could reach above.

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