scars that don't fade -Emerson

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I look down at my wrists and see scabs of millions of mistakes.

I am in my room with Emerson downstairs.

I got for it, I start to pick at the scabs, "ah, fuck" I exclaimed.

Footsteps come up the stairs, "babe?" Emerson asks opening my door.

"Yeah?" I said covering my wrists.

"Baby you can't pick at your scars, you need to leave them alone." Emerson said coming over to me.

Emerson helps me up and we go into the bathroom. He props me up on the bathroom sink. He grabbed the first aid kit and started to clean up my scars.

He took some water on a cloth and brought it to my wrist. I pushed his hand away, "I have to, we need to clean them up." He told me.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore, please stop reopening them." Emerson added.


Sorry this was short


-sarah 👌

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