One Wild Ride

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One Wild Ride

Hamilton Theme Park Trip Modern AU




The sun was still very low in the sky, only just rising and spreading its light to the waking world. Two cars pulled in to the vast parking lot one after another. They weren't the first there but they were at least guaranteed to be some of the first people in the park. Car doors opened almost in unison- two got out of the first car and three out of the second. Their shoes made quiet crunching sounds as they walked on the graveled ground towards the grand gates of the York Town Theme Park.

It was so early still the air had a cool, almost calming chill to it.

The reason it was only "almost" calming was simply because it's hard to be calm when Alexander Hamilton is furiously trying to plan the perfect route around a theme park. There is so much to take into account, what rides will get longer queues later in the day, who will have the stomach for certain rides and who won't, timing snack breaks so perfectly that they never stop for more than ten minutes maximum.

"Alexander you must relax. How do you expect yourself to have fun if you're going to stress yourself out so much they won't let you on the roller coasters because of your blood pressure." Lafayette joked casually as he walked next to his childhood friend.

"My blood pressure is completely normal, what isn't normal is the layout of this place!" Alex exclaimed "How are we supposed to go on everything in just one day?"

"Well you got us up early enough for it- I think we have more than enough time." John Laurens yawed from behind the pair, he looked like he was about to fall asleep standing.

The tallest of their friend group, Hercules Mulligan, gently nudged Laurens with his elbow "Its your own fault for staying up studying, can't you ever take a break?"

"I'm taking a break today aren't I?" John stated sharply and folded his arms, he wasn't really a morning person on the best of days.

"It's not like you didn't take a ridiculous amount of convincing." Lafayette looked over his shoulder at the shorter man, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips.

John went to defend himself but was cut off by Hamilton "He works hard so he can play harder Laf. Leave him alone." Hamilton makes brief eye contact with Laurens who smiles at him. Alex suddenly feels uncharacteristically shy and turns back to face the theme park entrance.

The four of them join one of the small queues forming.

"Wait... four?" Hamilton thinks looking around.

He spots Aaron Burr tailing far behind the rest of the group. He'd made it pretty clear he didn't want to go but Alex had managed to convince him- Burr needed to unwind a lot. He somehow stayed later at work later than Hamilton almost every day, and Hamilton does at least an extra two hours.

"Burr quit dragging your feet." Alex calls out.

Burr goes no faster, but he does eventually arrive. "I see no point in rushing in to something I'm being forced into."

"But you're here now. Might as well enjoy it." Alex shrugs.

"If I enjoy today I'll buy you a drink." Burr rolls his eyes.

"I'll hold you to that." Alex laughs.


"Hello and welcome to York Town Theme Park. We hope you have a wonderful day. Be sure to have fun on all our rides, they'll turn your world upside down!"

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