Chapter 9: New students part 1

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Bonnie: hurry up big brother! We will miss the plane at the rate you run!

Clemont: sLoW dOwN BoNnIe!

(Bonnie stopped and waited for her brother to catch up.)

Bonnie: you embarrass me sometimes

(Bonnie shook her head as Clemont panted and caught his breathe.)

Clemont: okay... we can go now.

Bonnie: then let's go!

(Bonnie started sprinting once again and clemont trailed behind.)


(As the siblings hopped off the plane, Bonnie breathed in the fresh alola air.)

Bonnie: this smells like paradise!

Clemont: okay, I will drop you off at professors house and then I need to board the plane... again

Bonnie: okay brother, let's go! Ready deddena?

Dedenne: ded dedenne!

Bonnie: ready squishy?

Squishy: *sounds*

Bonnie: let's go then!

(Bonnie starts sprinting again.)

Clemont: Bonnie wait! How do you have so much energy?!

(The siblings finally reach prof. Kukuis house... more like Bonnie took the directions and got there 2 minutes before Clemont.)

Clemont: I can't... believe... you ran... all this... way

Bonnie: your so slow big brother!

(Bonnie rang the door bell.)

Prof. Kukui: who is it? Oh- you must be Bonnie! We are just waiting for one more arrival now!

(Clemont did an very dramatic bow.)

Prof. Kukui: are you okay-?


(Prof. Kukui sweat drops and Clemont stands up.)

Prof. Kukui: um, your welcome. Now let's go tour the school, yeah?

Bonnie: yeah! I can't wait!

Clemont: I would also like to meet Bonnie's new Professor!

(They leave and soon arrive at the school. They walk into a new classroom and prof. Gary is standing looking through and writing in a book.)

Prof. Kukui: alola Gary! Meet one of your new students!

(Gary looks up from his book and walks over with the book in his hand.)

Prof. Gary: alola Everyone! I was just going over our lesson plans! I'm professor oak and I believe you are Bonnie.

Bonnie: yup! That's me! This is my big brother clemont!

(Clemont and prof. Gary shake hands.)

Prof. Gary: hmm, Clemont and Bonnie... hey, didn't you sent ash's mom Delilah that picture?

(Clemont looks confused and Bonnie's eyes light up.)

Bonnie: it's probably my favorite picture! have you met Serena and ash?!

(Gary smirks.)

Prof. Gary: Ashy- boy is one of my oldest rivals back in kanto. As for Serena, I met her once at a summer camp.

Clemont: you went to that summer camp?

Prof. Gary: my grandfather ran that camp.

Prof. Kukui: I should get going now. I have to meet with your other new student, I will see you later, ya?

Clemont: I should go too. I have to catch my plane.

Bonnie: I want to meet the other new student! Can I go with you?

(Kukui nods and they all set off on their own ways.)

Prof. Gary: wait till they see ash and Serena now...

(CJ: imagine if I just left you with this for a week... no just kidding I already have loads of chapters I wanna do ready for you guys!)

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