Barry's Condition

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(Caitlin's point of View) 

Harry and Cisco went back to Earth 2 to collect the cure for Barry. I just hope they hurry, because the few times Barry woken up after I sedated him, he was only able to remember certain things while other things he had no memory of. I just hope when Barry wakes up again he will be able to remember me. I don't know what I would do if Barry didn't remember me. 

"How is he doing?" Joe asked coming back into the room sitting next to Barry. "He will be up very soon I just sedated him so the rest of his injuries could heal." Joe nodded not being able to say anything looking back at his son. "I think he is waking up." Joe seeing the subtleness in Barry's motions as he flickered his eyes a little adjusting to the light. She came over to Barry wanting to do a check up just like she always did placing her hand on Barry's arm. "Caitlin." Barry smiled at the young Doctor. Relieve went through her glad Barry still remembered her. "Hi Barry welcome back." Joe left the room patting Barry's shoulder leaving the Doctor to do her job. "I will check in later." That was the last thing Joe said before walking out. 

"Everything looks good Barry." She told Barry finishing her check up on Barry. Barry had his full memory back it seemed like, so she just figured the memory loss was the cause of his injuries from earlier. "Great." Barry said getting up from the medical bed. "Well I am gonna head out call me if you need me." Barry said grabbing his jacket as he was walking out the door.  "Going to go see Iris." I said knowing that was the love of his life. Barry stopped in his tracks to turn and face me. "Iris?" He asked confusion written all over his face. "The girl who grew up with and have a crush on Iris West." I said concerned by Barry's reaction. "Oh right yeah her. I umm.. will see you later." Barry then quickly walked out of the building. 

It wasn't just the way he reacted when I said Iris, but also the small things I noticed where a little off with Barry. Like the way he would rub the back of his head when he got nervous or the way he called me Cait. I couldn't remember the last time he called me Caitlin. "Hey Caitlin where are we on the metahuman cases?" He asked me. I laughed at this, "Caitlin?" Barry looked at me like I was crazy. "That is your name isn't it?" Barry asked focusing his attention back to the metahuman case. Something seemed off with Barry and I was not the only one who noticed, So did Harry. Both Harry and Cisco came back with the cure, but Barry insisted he was fine. There was defiantly something off about Barry I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

"Hey Caitlin I need to ask you a question." Cisco said walking into my lab as soon as everyone left including Barry. I rolled my chair around to face him, "what is it Cisco?" Cisco took a deep breath leaning his back against my desk. "Have you noticed Barry is acting a little strange?" I could tell there was hesitation in his voice, but for some reason I tried denying Cisco's suggestion. "He did just get out of Zoom's or Silver's lair where he was tortured Cisco." Cisco nodded his head walking closer to me, "but Caitlin it doesn't seem like this is Barry." I then stopped what I was doing on my computer. "What are you saying Cisco?" I asked him not knowing where he was going with this. "I think this isn't our Barry." I still didn't understand what Cisco was trying to tell me. "What do you mean?" Cisco then took another deep breath before speaking again. "He is not Barry." A lump in my throat formed. I felt sick. Just the idea of him not being Barry meant we didn't know where was. I felt anger rise instead of me feeling my eyes change colors. I was still able to keep control hiding the Killer Frost that wanted so badly to be let out. "Who else could it be Cisco?" I said looking back at the computer trying to not show what was happening to me. Cisco put his hands on my shoulders looking right at me as he spoke the name I thought I would never have to hear again. "Thawne, it is Thawne Caitlin not Barry." 

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