A Disguise

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I sat in the hive thinking to myself, I wasn't like the other changelings. I had brown eyes and a white shell so I was teased a bit, the queen said I was special maybe that's why I feel strange around that rainbow maned pony. I wish to meet her but...with the way I look....wait! A disguise that would work! Then...maybe...I might have a chance
(Time skip)

After a while, I finally picked a disguise

I looked like a normal pony and since I didn't use magic much I only had wings so I could fly, today I was finally going to meet her

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I looked like a normal pony and since I didn't use magic much I only had wings so I could fly, today I was finally going to meet her...

{time skip to Ponyville}

I walked around Ponyville with glittering eyes as I stared in wonder, it was much more beautiful than I imagined. suddenly I was pounced by a bright pink pony "whoa!" she smiled brightly at me "hi! I'm pinkie pie! your new right?" I nodded softly slightly intimidated by the pony "EEEEEEE!" she squealed excitedly and hopped off leaving me confused when suddenly a voice spoke up "you okay? pinkie can be a bit...overwhelming"I looked over and saw the rainbow-maned mare "y-yeah..." she chuckled softly "she's gonna plan a 'welcome to ponyville party' probably"I tilted my head "does she...usually do that?" she nods "anyway my names rainbow dash" i giggled slightly "yeah yeah yeah I know" she chuckled "my name is..." I cut her off "appropriate" she smiled at me "that's a first"I smiled softly as the rainbow-maned Pegasus smiled at me "anyway, wanna go for a fly? pinkie will want you as far from ponyville as possible for the party she's throwing"I smiled brightly and nodded "sure!" she smiled and spread her wings "race you to the tree on the hill!" I smirked and spread my wings "1. 2. 3!" I bolted flying to the hill... I lost...."I win!" I laughed "I think I know why your called rainbow dash now" she tilted her head "oh really? why"I smiled "you dash through the sky and not to mention you leave a rainbow trail when you fly" she chuckled her face flushing slightly red "yeah" she chuckled "oh by the way whats your name?" i paused and spoke "Daeneira" she smiled "that's...a beautiful name.." my face flushed softly as I smiled "thank you..." that was my real name, another reason why the queen think's I'm special, then again she named me "n-no problem! pinkies probably did with the party now anyway" I tilted my head in confusion "she's really good at parties" she chuckled as she lifted herself off the ground, today is the best day ever

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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The Changeling who fell in love {Rainbow Dash X Oc}Where stories live. Discover now