How You Wake Each Other Up

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You wake him up by poking him until he finally decides to wake up.

Yusuke usually wakes you up just by gently shaking you awake, but if that doesn't work he yells "WAKE UP, (Y/N)!" as loud as he can which usually wakes you up in no time.


Depending on who wakes up first, you would usually wake the other up by leaving gentle kisses all over their face.


You don't wake each other up.

Your sleep is precious to you considering on some days you don't get any due to long days and nights of demon hunting. Hiei understands this so he just lets you sleep as much as you need to.

As for Hiei, you just think he looks so peaceful and cute when he sleeps so you just leave him be.


You both normally wake up at the same time. But on the occasions where you don't, a gentle shake followed by a kiss on the cheek and a "Good morning handsome/beautiful" usually does the trick.

A/N: Another chapter for my lovely readers! Hope you Enjoy!

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