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"I can't believe I'm doing this.." I sighed, as I slipped on a simple black dress.

"You'll be fine!" my perky best friend, Ana chirped, obviously much more enthusiastic about this event than me.

We were going to our 10 year high school reunion. I wasn't going to go, but Ana was really excited about it, and I didn't want to disappoint her.

The thing was, I wasn't the most popular girl in high school. I was pretty average if you ask me.

I tried to blend in with everyone else. I had also gotten bullied quite a bit which lead to social anxiety.

I was depressed and lonely for most of freshman year until I met Ana. She was pretty popular, but introduced herself and we instantly became best friends.

She was there for me through thick and thin. I met other people throughout the years, but Ana was the only one who stuck as everyone else drifted away.

Now, here I was getting ready for my 10 year high school reunion, when I'd much rather be doing anything else.

"Come on Lexi, we're going to be late!" Ana said, gesturing towards the door.

I quickly put on my high heels and we left. "This is gonna be a long night.." I mumbled under my breath.

When we got to the school I'd come to know as a teenager, I took a deep breath and walked in with Ana.

I was greeted with booming music and friendly chatter between old classmates.

I noticed that more people had come than I expected. I was already feeling my anxiety kick in.

"I'm going to grab some punch" I told Ana, as I walked quickly over to the snack table. I grabbed some punch and turned around to see her dancing and laughing with some of her old friends.

I can't stay here. What if everyone hates me? I thought to myself as I began leaving.

Just before I reached the door Ana grabbed my shoulder. "Where are you going? We have lots to do tonight!"

I decided not to protest because there was no way I was leaving under Ana's watchful eyes. She took me back over to the dance floor and we hung out with some of her old friends.

An hour into the reunion a man with messy brown hair walked in. He started talking to a big group of people. He seemed pretty popular.

"Oh my gosh, it's Toby Turner!" Ana yelled obviously much more aware of who he was than me.

"He was super popular, smart, and silly. All the girls wanted to date him." Ana continued.

Then her eyes flickered with excitement. "You should go talk to him!"

I looked at her like she had just killed someone, "Are you crazy? I can't! You know I have really bad social anxiety. He knows so many people," I exclaimed. "We've never even talked before!" I said, trying to convince her that this was a terrible idea.

"Come on go talk to him! You look stunning and he'll love you if he gets to know you!" Ana answered cheerfully.

Before I knew what was happening I was stumbling into Toby, splashing fruit punch all over his white shirt.

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