Chapter 2 - Julian

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[Julian's P.O.V]

I've never felt love in my life before. Well, romantic love that is. I've felt family love, platonic love, but not romantic love. I've never known that feeling. While all my friends, girls and boys, my siblings, my classmates, some strangers, talk about how much they love someone, how attractive they were, why they loved that specific person. All that time, I've only smiled and nodded my head. I've never personally known that feeling, the butterflies in my stomach, how my heart skips when I see my significant other, nothing of those.

Until now.

Now that I've met her.

I was just wandering around my campus when I first met her. 

It was my last year at Summit High, I had a fairly good time at this place. My grades were pretty good, pretty average. I had a decent amount of friends, all of them in a relationship, apparently. I had a group of close friends, who were all, well, I guess you could call us the Badass Boys of our year.

I was walking around the lobby when the bell rang, well, looks like it's time for me to go. I turned around to go back to my class but then a girl rushed past a few feet away from me. She was in such a hurrry that she didn't notice me.

As she flashed past me, it seemed as if my whole world lit up. Everything, every sound, all the smells, all the colours, the whole world around me seemed to become sharper, even clearer than before, than all the 17 years of my life.

If I could see the Red Strings of Fate, I'm sure there would be a knot on both our pinkies, connected to each other.

"Counselor's office, counselor's office..." She muttered as she turned her head to one side to another.

I grinned and sneaked up behind her. I leaned closer to her and said, "Hey! You looking for the counselor's office new girl?"

She turns and stares, then she replies, "No, I'm not.I'm looking for hell right now."

I raise an eyebrow, then chuckled, "Right, I like you." She's a fiesty one. I see her look at me from top to bottom.

"Please,can you tell me where the counselor's office is?" She pleaded, through gritted teeth. Oops, she looks upset.

I laughed. I pointed towards a door behind a the girl, "It's right there."

She turned as red as her hair, realising that it was just right behind her. Then she muttered, "Thanks."

I waved and turned around, "Welcome, darling.Hope we will be in the same year!" Slowly, I stalked off. I turned a little as the last bit of her beautiful red hair disappeared into the counselor's office. I then turned back and continued my way towards my class.

When I reached my class, my homeroom teacher, Mr Kyle, was already there. My Kyle had short, blonde hair and a tall body structure. He had broad shoulders and sky blue eyes. He narrowed his eyes as soon as I opened he door.  The whole class turned and stared at me.

"Mr Tate," Mr Kyle started, "aren't you supposed to be in class before the bell rings?"

"Yes, sir," I closed the door behind me, "but I ran into a new student. She didn't know where the counselor's office was so I brought her there."

"Ah, now that's resonable. Now go to your seat."

"Yes sir."

I sat down at my seat at the very back of the class. My classmate Roy laughed. 

"Was she cute?" Roy asked. I knew Roy liked talking about girls, so I laughed and shrugged.

"Oh she's mine." I challenged. I leaned in closer to Roy and grinned from ear to ear. We were so close that our faces almost touched. The both of us grinned at each other.

"Yeah, fine, sure." Roy finally said, leaning back. I raised an eyebrow. "I'll go find other chicks, I bet she isn't even that good. You have terrible taste anyways."

"Excuse me?" I laughed.

"Tate, Williams, could you two repeat what I just said?" Mr Kyle asked, giving us a cold stare, his sky blue eyes clawing at us.

"Oh, er, we, erm," Roy stammered. He looked at me, signalling for help.

"Erm... behaviour..?" I heard part of the lecture he was giving but I wasn't so sure if that was that was the correct answer he wanted. 

Mr Kyle sighed and rubbed his temples, "Please focus in class next time or you're grades will drop or you'll get in trouble."

"Yes sir~!" Roy chirped.

I on the other hand, muttured my answer, "Yes sir..." I looked down and frowned. I may come from a gang of trouble makers, but I didn't want to have a bad reputation with the teachers. Mr Kyle smiled a little and continued his lecture. 

I turned my head, and saw a girl rush past my class. I recognised her, it was Sherry. She was my classmate from back in Year 6-Year 9. I have to admit, I pity her. She didn't have the best life at school after what happened all the way in Year 6. She had a pretty decent school life back then when well, something happened. It happened just on the first day of Term 3. But that's a story for another time. 

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!! Went the bell. Time for first period. I got up and went to my locker, welp, I hope today's gonna be a swell day...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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