Chapter 13

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Cam's POV


The next day I woke up to see Indie sleeping on the couch next to Nash.

She was going to kill me.

I quickly got dressed and left the room before either of them woke up. Matt and Carter were the only ones up yet, so we all drove to the hospital together.

"Did you tell her yet?" Carter asked.

"I don't know how to!"

"It's to late to tell her now. She's going to find out from somebody else and be pissed!"

"She's going to be pissed anyways." Matt confirmed.

"Dude, you're screwed." Carter said, shaking his head.

I sighed and kept driving.


"Hi. We're here to see Taylor Caniff." I told the lady at the front desk.

"Right. He mentioned something about needing to see Indie? Do you boys know who that is?"

"Um, yea. She'll be here soon, probably." I smiled the best I could.

She lead us to the room. Taylor was awake.

"Hey guys." He said, slowly sitting up.

"Hey, man."

"Is Indie coming? I really need to talk to her."

"Probably, but I haven't really told her yet."


"You know, you're gonna look pretty badass once they take the bandages off." Matt said, trying to find the bright side of the situation.

"Haha! I thought the same thing." he replied.

We sat there and talked,and I apologized for about the 100th time. Every time he told me it was ok, but I didn't feel like it was.

Thirty minutes later, everyone except for Indie and Nash showed up.

"Where are they?" Jacob asked.

"Unless any of you guys told them, they don't know yet." I said, hesitantly.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just couldn't figure out how to let her know."

"So you think that letting her find out from one of us, that you beat up her ex-boyfriend to the point where he broke his leg and had to get stitches, is better?" Jack G. said.

"No but... I don't know! I didn't tell them and I can't take that back now, so deal with it, guys!"

Since I still couldn't do it, Shawn pulled out his phone and called Nash.

"Hey dude."

"Taylor's in the hospital right now, and we need you and Indie to be here asap."

"He has a broken leg and stitches."

"Since last night."

"Cam kind of got really pissed at him and -"

"Oh shit."

"Yea, we know."

"I don't know dude, but get here quick okay?"

"Yes. Bye."

"What'd he say?" I asked.

"He told me to tell you that you might want to leave because Indie is so ready to take your head of right now."

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