Chapter 24

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Indie's POV


Matt's face showed a clear sign of concern when he saw me walking towards the car.

After grabbing my stuff and throwing it in the back of the car, I hopped in the front seat.

"Are you ok?" he asked, as he started to drive.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?!"

He was silent.

"I'm sorry, I just... I feel so empty right now. Like everything I live for is all of a sudden meaningless." I paused. "It's not though. At least not everything, just a huge part of it."

"What happened?"

"Long story short, I guess Cam doesn't love me anymore so he cheated on me."

"What are you going to do?"

"Just try to forget about him and the life I have now. I want to go back to being normal and infamous and nameless because that life was so much easier."

"You can't though. You will never forget this life and you will never forget Cam. As much as you try that will never happen."

I sighed because I knew it was true.

"It's getting dark, we should stop at the next hotel we see." I suggested.

"Good idea."

A few minutes later we pulled up to a nice hotel and checked in. Only for the night. We shared a room.

We got upstairs and both sat on the bed. We had agreed that I'd sleep there and he'd sleep on the pull out couch.

He put his arm around me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"I'm sorry too." I replied.

We made eye contact and stared into each others eyes for a long time. I honestly didn't have any real feelings for Matt but something propelled me to kiss him.

I bit my lip, leaned in, and moved my lips to match his. I felt like a slut but I knew I wasn't, I was just hurt.

I think Matt knew I wasn't actually kissing him because I wanted him, but he played along anyways.

His fingers tangled in my hair. He was still sitting up but I sat on his lap while we kissed. I wanted this to go further because then I could let go of the pain, but I knew Matt would never let that happen.

"Matt, sleep with me tonight?"

"Indie, I-"

"Please?" I begged.

That night, he held me tight, like Cam did. He made me feel safe.

In the morning I woke up thinking I would roll over and see Cam's sweet face, but instead I saw Matt's and remembered everything.

He was on his phone, probably tweeting.

"Good morning." he said.

"Morning." I smiled and closed my eyes for a few seconds, before pulling out my own phone. "Matt, get over here. Selfie."

We took a super cute selfie and I posted it on twitter. A couple seconds later, I regretted it.

After reading some of the comments, I realized that Matt was shirtless and it looked like I was wearing a bra, not a tank top. You could also tell we were lying in a bed.


I didn't delete it though because that would give people more of a reason to suspect something.

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