Part 5

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Hey y'all. I'm back.
I should have given you guys some warning before I uploaded this chapter. Lol sorry 😅 It's summer and I'm currently taking classes, but that doesn't mean I'm entirely busy. I have plenty of time to write some more general hux x reader fanfic for y'all, so please stay tuned! 👋😉

Enjoy the story!

General Hux strutted up to you, looking cool and casual with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his big coat which causally hung over his shoulders. He wasn't in his uniform, but instead in some very smart attire. He wore a tucked in white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black pants, and a pair of grey boots, though the lighting made them look a shade darker. His hair wasn't even slicked back but instead looked like he had run his fingers through them. It was messy but still tidy...

you say quietly to yourself; It was astonishing to see him again.

This was clearly a mistake. There was no mention of the man visiting your world, nor was there any gossip going around about his arrival either.

You continued to gawk at him as he stopped under the street lamp.

"Greetings... Or do your people not greet others on this world?"

The remark brought you back to reality and saved you from what could have been a possibly embarrassing encounter.

"I'm sorry, I just... Hello... Again." You stumble out, trying your best not to sound like a complete idiot.

He cocked an brow at you and slightly smiled, "Hello, again?"

You nervously laugh, the man was an anomaly to you, it seemed like he always wanted more than what was expected. You let out a long breathe and cleared your throat; to be honest, if he wanted more, then he should get a piece of your mind as to why all of this was completely sudden, unexpected and down right ridiculous. Whether it be the whole grape situation or this sudden engagement that you were totally unaware of now...

"I meant I was surprised to see you again... I didn't know you were visiting, I could have arranged a place for you to stay—" "

"Oh No need, I've rented out a room in the local area..." he interrupts.

"In the area?..."

"Yes... in the area..." his tone softened from the confident air he was previously showing.

A little gust blew in your direction, as you both of you fell silent. The day had come to an end, the sky had turned completely black and the windows of buildings on the street were brightly lit. Probably filled with people and families having supper or playing a light night game... It felt like hours had gone by as you nervously fidgeted in the few minutes of silence, trying your best to look at him.

"Quiet evening isn't it..." the general says, finally breaking the icy silence. Indeed it was a quiet evening, little to no people were out and about this hour.

The general shifted his weight from one foot to the other, still keeping those gorgeous eyes on you.
Had he been looking at you this whole time? Was he waiting for you to respond?

Respond? ...What could you say?
The winds blew again, a bit stronger this time.

You rubbed the sides of your arms, "Chilly, too." you finally spoke...

The general stepped forward, he was just a few feet away from you but as he got closer and closer, that big gap between you began to close.

You couldn't understand what was going on, suddenly that fuzzy feeling was happening in your stomach... spreading all over your body...
The general was pretty close now, so close you could feel his breath on your face. It smelt of peppermint and sweetness. You looked into his eyes... they were calmly looking back into your E/C orbs. The general swung his coat off of his shoulder and onto yours, pulling you a little closer as he straightened the coat on your shoulders.

"Here. Have my coat."

"Aren't you going to get cold...?"
You tried to lift the coat off, but his hands were still laying on your shoulders.

"it's fine, I just live around the block... I think you need it more than I do..."

"Thanks... well I guess I should get going, I've got some duties to complete..." you say lightly shrugging.

"Right..." He says as his hands slipped off your shoulders. He placed them back into his pockets and stepped back. "well. you should probably get going then..."


"...Perhaps we should meet again messenger. When it's not so dark... and chilly." He flashed a small sad smile at you.


He nodded before looking down and walking past you towards his direction of home...

You watched him until he vanished around the street corner...

you shook your head as he left, what was that all about? you continued to watch him until he vanished around the street corner. the coat he had hung around your shoulders was so warm, and it smelt of a wonderful aftershave... you wrapped it closer to your body and turned around walking the opposite direction ...

deep down in the pits of your stomach something was bubbling. something achy and warm that felt too good to be true and yet too horrible to keep thinking about. You slowed down as another breeze hit you; you grabbed his coat closely to your body. Then you stopped completely, your mind filled with images of the man you had encountered a few minutes ago. you could feel your heart beating faster and faster as you thought more and more about him.

where you.

where you falling for him?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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