(Four) Get to know

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"Recee can you please chill on these roads I'm not trynna die here." I sat at the back of mum's Rover with Nadia as he recklessly cut through back streets, narrowly evading the crackheads that littered them.

"Aight cool, so your suggesting I take the main road where the federally lurk and get caught with no licence." Yeah this kid hasn't passed a driving test, but yet thinks he has the right to control a moving vehicle. Just because back in Brazil he got away with it doesn't mean he can here.

"Knock down a crackhead and your even more likely to go jail. Dickhead,"
I screwed maintaining eye contract with the dickhead thorough the rear mirror.

That's when our car came to an abrupt stop tiers shrieking, darting my head up against the back of the driver's seat.

"This attitude your giving makes me want to crash the car, so you either pattern or get out. " Recee had stupidly halted the vehicle outside an abandoned wearhouse not far from the old estate we used to live in. Knowing the area, some form of gang activity would be occurring nearby especially at this time of night. Meaning it was in my best interest to get the hell out of this compound ASAP.

"Aghhh for fucks sake Recee even tfl has less delays than this." Nadia yelled whilst slamming her hands into the seat in front of her. Jerimiah was in hospital, most likely on life support and here he was delaying the journey to the A&E .

We all sat in complete silence... I had my head resting on the blacked out back window as I screwed my brother. As for Nadia, she was resting on my lap silently crying. Her teardrops dampening my blue denim jeans.

Finally clocking the severity of the situation. Recee somehow managed to put his pride aside and start up the Rover once again.

Famm, if this happened a few years back, we would have been at the hospital long time ago. The second Recee heard about the stabbing would be the same second he arrived by Jeremiah's bedside... But ever since that "Incident" both of them are moving like sworn oops.

🕑🕝 2:30am
We arrived at the hospital only to be told we can't see him because he's in an intensive trauma unit. According to that bitch nurse It would take a "10 hour wait before you can even think about stepping into his ward." I sat down on a bench next to Recee whilst watching Nadia pace around the corridor with her weary eyes on the verge of flooding.

"Gather your shit and get up, we're going." Recee stood up, looked at me before opening his dry lips again being ignored for the fist time in his short life.

"Ehhh...don't air me, I told u to get up, and you, Nadia, stop bugging over a guy who saw u as a beat and delete." That comment he gave her... Wth, so unnecessary.

"Saw me as a what... " That crude comment got an almost instant reply as Nadia fired back.
"Gwarn then Recee say it if your bad... abeg you say it again" Now her eyes we're flooding once again as tears poured out onto her face, running down her chin before splashing onto her chest.

"Ahh, shit sorry I shoulda clocked your on your period still. Aww bless the kid no wonder your bare emotional" He responded, forcing an empathetic tone to his emotionless joke. 😑 At his big age and he's making period jokes.

I picked up my Nike back pack alongside Nadia's Mk handbag. Not only did that girl look weak, she looked distraught, wayyy to distraught to even carry her own bag. We then made our way back to lift which took us to the car park.

I spent most of the car ride home listening to drill... Yhh I'm a girl and I listen to drill problem? Most man at my school think it is but I don't. I'll fully bang out 1011, Zone 2, 12 world, n gang and 410 at my wedding 😂😂 I actually don't give a fuck.

"So I'm looking for number 87 yeahh" Recee asked as the rover entered greengrove crescent.

"No, your not looking for number 87, just drop me here" Nadia responded as she plucked her mk bag from my grasp whilst making an attempt to open the door... Even though the vehicle was still moving.

"No, I'm dropping you off in front of your yard" He responded

She screwed him before proceeding to speak. "Okay, but if my dad sees you... your getting cheffed"

"Cheffed... lool did the innocent Vigin Mary juss say that" 😂😂😂 my brother still calls her virgn mary to this day. Because he still refuses to believe that Jerimiah blew her back out and got her "pregnant"

"Yhh the 'innocent virgin Mary' just said that" She responded as Recee sighed and slowed down the car "Problem?" Nadia asked.

"Fam I was stopping the car so you could jump out" He then pulled up a few houses away from Nadia's. She got out, slammed the door shut before disappearing out of view behind her neighbors hedge.

"YOOOO, sleeping disaster wake up" Joyce was legit screaming into my left ear and it seriously hurt.

"Oh, so now your drunken self wanna come home only to fuck up my hearing," Famm I was pissed... Pissed at Joyce in general to be honest. Looking at her makes me sick. Why... because she goes out late, comes home even later and then has the audacity to eat the leftover food I made. And take a shower in the bathroom that Recee spent all evening cleaning. She uses this home like a hotel and gets away with it. Now that mum's gone she's due to get away with it even more for the next few days until Auntie Adalade arrives to "babysit us"

"Drunkkk... What where is drunk. I'm not drunk. Drunk is drunk" Joyce then deliberately falls onto my bed all in an attempt to fool me. Normally I'd laugh, but I'm way to pissed to even smile let alone laugh. I lifted up the duvet forcing Joyce to hop off as I got out of my bed to deal with my hygiene.

Just as I'm about to enter the bathroom, I flinch at the abrupt sound of viciously loud banging and yelling.
"Oyaaa, open the door naa." I heard somewhat of a familiar voice yell...

🎆..Omg this chapter is soo overdue. I couldn't even finish it properly and I've been adding bits to it for so long. From now on I might be giving ridiculously slow updates... Idk. I didn't even finish the chapter but I really just wanted to update the book for u lot. 🎆

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