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Herrow dere, here's the next chapter and it's longer, also, I wanted to thank everyone whose been voting for my story and actually reading  it. Thanks guys so much for the support. I have 60+ votes now, YAY!!!


Sakura walked down the stairs, it's been a week ever since her terrifying conclusion.

Haruno Sakura...had a crush on Kakashi Hatake.

As she made her way towards one of the elevators going down, while lost in her thoughts, she bumped into a tall figure wearing a light blue, plaid, flannel.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attentio-" She stopped mid-sentence as she looked up to see, Kakashi, her object of desire.

"Speak of the devil," Kakashi muttered as he turned around and gave his signature eye crinkle. "Hi Sakura, I was actually just thinking about asking you something." Looking at him quizzically she asked, "What's that?" Automatically following him into the elevator and watching him leaning against the wall.

"Do you have a library card I could borrow?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and brang her books to her chest,  her arms getting tired of holding them. "Why? What's wrong with yours?"

"I have to get a new card, but it comes in a week and there's a new book I really need." Sakura's eyes narrowed as she watched Kakashi shift uncomfortably, "And what book is this?"


"WHAT!?"  Sakura's eyes went wide as she screeched.

"Icha Icha Tactics,"  Kakashi said as a slight blush crept on the edge of his mask as he looked away.

"Icha Icha!?!? Isn't that porn?!?!!"  Sakura paled and leant against the wall for support, her eyes seemed to pop out of her head.

"Er...No, it's a romance  novel-" Earning a snort from Sakura. "that happens to have many smut scenes."

She stared at him for a moment and then, just bursts into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Which was interrupted, by the feel of the elevator coming to an abrupt stop.

Sakura froze and turned towards Kakashi, "Is that supposed to do that...?" Kakashi shook his head 'no'.


"-Sakura clutched Kakashi's arm as they felt the last of the wires give up, the feeling of the elevator falling caused them to pull each other closer, but then...there was a giant boing. They landed on a trampoline!!! They were saved my the magical elevator fairies and lived happily ever after!!!"

"Not funny, Hatake." Sakura punched his arm as the lights went off, the only thing glowing was now the small emergency light at the top of the door.

"Eek! Kakashi??" Sakura turned around blindly, dropping her books in the process.

She heard Kakashi groan and immediately apologized and decided to sit down.

"At least in my story we were saved by the elevator fairies." Kakashi pouted and sat down also, rubbing his toes. "My poor toes, sorry mister pinky,  I didn't know she was violent." Kakashi mumbled loud enough for Sakura to hear. Which resulted in another jab to his arm.

"Owie Sakura-chan, that hurts, you know." Kakashi's pout deepened as he began rubbing his arm instead.

"Sorry, must've been a muscle spasm." Sarcasm dripped off her voice.

"Hey, no need to get so nasty..."


An hour had passed by as the two had basically stripped themselves of clothing, the heat in the elevator becoming unbearable.

Sakura whined and said, "When are we getting out if here? I'm bored and sweaty."

She sighed in exasperation, folding her sweater the tenth time along with her socks.

"I must be the last person you want to be stuck with." Kakashi said as be laid his head against the somewhat cool wall of the elevator.

"No, I just didn't think I'd ever see you again, after middle school I mean." He hummed in agreement as he placed a hand on his heart and faked a hurt look. As if Sakura had eyes behind her head.

"Whatever happened to the innocent and sweet Sakura-chan, sigh, this one is so mean to her poor old sensei."  Sakura turned around and glared at him, then sighed.

"Alright I'm sorry, I'm just hot and worried right now, I didn't mean to be so mean..." Kakashi just shrugged and replied, "It's alright." And silence just followed.


Gwah!! Here you guys and thank you for 960+ reads!!! I'll do a fluffy chapter next time, anyway see you soon!!!

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