This story is about a beautiful young man that captivated the attention from any men/women that passed him whether in the street, shops, school or other places.
And he didnt want any attention except one...
I dont have any fix dates to updat...
The class has ended. As soon the teacher walk out from the classroom, many students were aproaching Taehyung.
"Hai Taehyung! Im Joshua" greeted Joshua.
Taehyung smiled and greeted back.
Everyone keep asking him question and suddenly Jackson barged in.
"Make a room for me, idiots" yelled him at everyone.
"Hi beautiful, wanna eat lunch with me?" Said Jackson as he stand in front of Taehyung and held his hand.
Taehyung shocked and pulled his hand back. He smiled a little and shook his head twice.
Then Jungkook smack his book onto his table and walk out from the classroom with his lunch pack. His face looks so annoyed. Clearly, he was angry that he cant eat peacefully.
Taehyung eyed on him as he walked out from the class and have disappointed face. He wished that Jungkook are staying.
Jackson saw that and his eyes was in fire. He calmed himself and did not give up on requesting to eat together with Taehyung.
Taehyung felt so uncomfortable so he excused himself and get off from the crowd.
He sighed in relief. He quickly ran to the wash room and hid in one of the toilet.
Then he heard a few boys walk in wash room and talking.
"Have you saw the new guy? He so damn beautiful, man! I would bang him fo sure even he is a guy" said one guy. Everyone laughed and agrees.
Taehyung shocked and worried. He can felt the sweats at his forehead and quickly swep it away.
He wanted to get out from the toilet but he afraid the boys might noticed him, so he stayed.
Soon after he heard the boys leaving he quickly went out from the toilet and went to the canteen. He needs to eat since he just ate a little in the morning.
Again, everyone stared at him as he entered the canteen.
Taehyung just quickly queue in line and getting some foods. When he wanted to pay, the cashier just shook his head.
"You can take it, its free" the cashier smiled.
"Uhm, its good that you are kind but i will feel so guilty not paying after taking a lot of foods here" Taehyung exclaimed, while holding the dishes that serves 2 people.
Well, actually Taehyung is not a glutton, he just too hungry, okay ^^
"Its really okay since you are beautiful, i will give the foods free" said the cashier and he winked towards Taehyung.
Taehyung just awkwardly smiled and goes to one table at the very end of the canteen.
Many eyes on him as he sit down on the table. He felt so uncomfortable. He take a bite from sandwiches and chewed slowly as he felt that he still got the attention from people.
"Hi, may i sit here?" greeted someone.
Taehyung looked up and see a boy that have smiley eye and have a cute face.
"W-well, you may sit" Taehyung replied shyly.
The boy smiled and take his seat down in front of Taehyung.
"So, you are the new boy, right?" asked the boy.
Taehyung paused a little before he nodded.
"Well, my name is Park Jimin, but you can call me Chimchim. Im major in Art in Performing. How about you?" Jimin introduced himself to Taehyung.
"Hmm, im Kim Taehyung, you can call me whatever you want. Im major in Musical Theather" replied Taehyung.
"Ouhh, you are the same major with Jungkook then" exclaimed Jimin.
Taehyung perked up when he heard Jungkook's name.
"Wait, you know Jungkook? I tried to talk with him but he doesnt even bother to look at me" said Taehyung, a bit sad.
"Well, im his childhood neighbour so, of course i knew him. Wait, he didnt even bother to look at you when you are this beautiful?" declare Jimin.
Taehyung felt so shy at the compliment, his ears and neck are getting redder.
"Its weird since im pretty sure that you are his type" said Jimin in confused.
Taehyung shooked. Literally JUNGSHOOK.
"Wait, what did you say?" Taehyung didnt believe his ears and wanted to make confirmation again.
"Well, as i was saying, im pretty sure that you are his ty-AWWWW!!" shouted Jimin.
"What the hell was that for???!" yelling Jimin at Yoongi, who just smacked his head.
"Nothing. Just want to get rid of that stupid mind of yours" smirked Yoongi as he leave.
"That little piece of sh- Luckily that i love him!" groaned Jimin while rubbed head.
Taehyung just watching them in confused,
'He love him? Were they in relationship?'
"Im sorry, Tae, but i have to pay back at that arrogant shit" claimed Jimin and get off from the table.
Taehyung snapped out of it and before he could ask more, Jimin sight is no where to be found.
He sighed, quickly, he eat the remaining the foods and walk back to the classroom.
Soon, as he entered the class, he saw Jungkook in his seat. Taehyung smiled.
Luckily at that time, there werent any people besides him and Jungkook and a few people. So, he can peacefully walk towards his seat and sit besides Jungkook.
Soon after he sit down, Jungkook are watching him. He stared at Taehyung direct at his beautiful eyes.
Taehyung gasped a bit because Jungkook stared at him, yet Taehyung look at him back.
They looked at each other for quite some time, and Taehyung can feel his face burning from being stared too long. His cheeks became redder and redder. His ears are worse.
'Ugh, i cant take it' thought Taehyung before he broke the eye contact first.
"Hey" Taehyung heard a low, raspy voice besides him. Its none other than Jungkook himself.
Taehyung bravely looked back at Jungkook and before he says something, Jungkook cut off him.
"Would you like being mine?"
Hey, hmm, idk hahahaha
Idk where this is going but trust me its going to be good(?)
And dont worry, no violence or angst or anything that related since i cant handle it too ㅠㅠ
Please enjoy my first fanfic 💞💞💞
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