This story is about a beautiful young man that captivated the attention from any men/women that passed him whether in the street, shops, school or other places.
And he didnt want any attention except one...
I dont have any fix dates to updat...
I dont know where the confidence came from, but i just ask him to be mine. Wow, Jungkook, just wow.
Jungkook just want to slap himself.
He flushed. Real bad and its too cute, i want to pinch his cheek because he too adorable huhu.
And istg his blinking eyes also the cutest thing.
"D-do you j-joking right now?" Taehyung stuttered
He even stutterd, i cant handle his cuteness.
"Do i looks like making a joke?" Jungkook replied.
"Y-you barely t-talked to me..." Taehyung trailed.
"So, i t-thought you h-hate me..." added Taehyung.
Poor baby, i was being cold to him. What can i do? Im a awkward bean. But lemme tease a bit.
"Yes, i hate you," Jungkook.started.
Taehyung widened his eyes.
"For interrupted in my peaceful life by being my seatmate. Now i cant focus my studies ever since you approaching me at teacher lounge, ever since you tried to talked to me, ever since you sit besides me. What had you done to me?" stern but softly i uttered
Again, he widened his eyes. Istg, one day his eyeball gonna pop out from his eyes. laughed Jungkook
I can see he spacing out and stare at me blankly, heck he the cutest lik bean doing that.
Soon, the teacher already arrived so i have to wait after the class finished.
"Talk to you after class, Tae." i whispered to his ears.
Taehyung flinched and getting redder. Idk how red he's gonna be.
Im concentrating on Mr. Byun class but not 100% as there this beauty besides me ofc i cant ignore.
I side glance him and see he was spacing out, again. He just too cute
After a while, the class ended and i wrap my stuffs. Oh, answer.
"So, whats the answer?" i asked Tae.
"Uhm, i.."
Before Tae could finish the sentence, a loud voice halt both of us.
"Yah, dont talk to him, you freak!
Oh, i know that voice, how could i not forget. We've been friends for decades
When i see Jackson, he glaring me to death.
You know what? Im sick of this, im not gonna being quite and will fight back.
So, i decided to glare back at him and take my stuffs and storm off.
I dont want to face Jackson any longer. Its made my blood boiled enough to have him on the same class everyday.
Im too mad to notice theres a boy who followed me out from class.
Suddenly, my clothes being tugged from behind. So, i turn around and see Tae behind me.
He has a pink cheeks and he looks like exhausted.
"You...were..too fast..." panted Taehyung.
Omg, did he just chased me earlier???
As he done collecting himself, he look at me.
"And also, i want to g-give the answer..."trailed Taehyung.
Hey yall! Its almost 1 year since i updated! OMG! Thats really a long, long time. Ikr.
Im sorry, i just had this kind of writer block? Is that the term that most author use ? Well, anyways! Im sorry for not updating. And im pretty sure that this book is boring anyways ehe.
But,like i said, i dont wnt to leave my story unfinished so i will update, maybe. Haha okay2. Anygays, thank you for reading the story up till now.
I appreciated it. Hopefully you author here will not be lazy to update. And also, i will make some kind of section which you can ask regarding the characters, later on.
And enjoy reading!
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