7 : Death?

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May's POV

My body was limp and immovable. It felt weightless and everything around me seemed so distant. My vision was blurry but I couldn't look anywhere else besides a white ceiling. My senses weren't working besides my eyesight. I could feel the pounding of my heart in my chest beating louder than usual. There was no scent I could pick up or any feeling of where I was. I couldn't feel the usual rush of cold air fill my nose at all. I was like an empty shell. There was no familiarity.

What's happening?

Even though I felt like I had spoken, the only thing that happened was the slight movement of my mouth. But no voice. My ears picked up no sound, nothing. The place was deathly silent.

Then things started to piece together in my mind faintly. I cannot remember what happened too clearly. I only have the memory of feeling my disguise disintegrate as I breathed in hot smoke and the burning of fire behind my back. But most of all, I remember the impact of when I touched the ground. The pain as my body cracked unusually.

But as of now, I could not feel any pain, any burning or any injury whatsoever. In a situation like this, I would be panicking. But I felt calm, and warm as if this place was a safe place. If I could widen my eyes right now, they'd be the size of moons.

Is this where I'm going to finally join my parents?

I felt closer to them in this state.

The state of feeling nothing.

The feeling of going into an endless void of darkness.


Drew's POV

I remember hearing a violent explosion. One that made the earth rumble and the city shake. The feeling of panic that arose in my chest as vibrations rung through the ground itself as though a minor earthquake had begun. But I knew it wasn't just an earthquake. It was worse.

I don't know what happened from then but my body moved on its own, dragging me through the mass of people walking in all directions. Their faces blank as though nothing had occurred at all. I was so sure that the rumble had shaken the city, the vibrations were so vivid and real, it couldn't have just been my imagination.

"Drew, where are you going?" Ash questioned from behind me, one hand grasping my shoulder firmly. "I thought we were headed to the cafe today to do the research project."

"I can't. There's somewhere I have to go right now." I answered without looking back before hurrying off through the city in a sprint, directly towards the abandoned building in Petalburg Woods.

I could hear the boys yelling my name but I continued going forward as I went as far as my legs could possibly take me.

Ignoring the wind whipping my face and sending strands of my hair in all directions, I bolted as fast as possible to the source of the explosion.

I know I heard it. I felt it. So I'm sure that this is not just my imagination playing tricks with my head. This is real. And I have to get there as soon as possible.

My legs were beginning to ache and I was losing stamina too quickly. Then I realised something and almost face palmed myself as I continued running. Fumbling at my belt, my hand reached one of the pokeballs which I instantly recognised as Arcanine's.

"Come out Arcanine!" I called and my fire type companion was released in a bright light, revealing the shape of the ferocious Pokémon.

Without having to command him, I was immediately placed on his back and we were sprinting through the woods, everything becoming a blur as we ran passed. Within moments I could already see the top of the abandoned building which was smoking. I could hear small commotion the closer I got to the building.

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