Real life🌻

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My door flew open, hitting the wall behind it pretty hard.
I looked up startled and saw my mom holding her chest as she painted to catch her breath.

"Mom are you good?" I asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"You got the part." She breathed out.



"Stop lying!"

She looked up at me and smiled , holding her arms out.

I threw my blankets off of me and ran into her arms.

"Congratulations baby." She caressed my back and rocked us back and forth.

"Mama, I can't believe it. Who would've thought that I would get the part to such a huge role, oh my gosh." I pulled away and started jumping up and down.

"Go tell Emma and Summer! I'm pretty sure they've been waiting to hear." She smiled.

"You are very correct."

I quickly texted them in the group chat to come over and her my phone back down on the bed.

"We need to start packing, we need to go shopping for some more clothes, we start filming on the 20th of April so I don't have that much time to go shopping for you, I have to look at the weather because it might be really hot out there but then it might be really cold some nights so we have to be diverse with the clothes we pick, oh yeah we need to-"

"Mom!" I shouted, cutting her off from her rambling.

She looked at me and started laughing.

"I'm sorry sweetie, it's just that I'm so excited because I know how much you love this show and now you get to be in it! I'm so happy for you. Come here." She pulled me into another hugged which I gladly excepted.

"You can finally stop hiding the news from your viewers."

"Hiding what?" Summer said as she walked into my room with Emma close behind her.

"How did you guys get here so fast?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed. I texted them no longer than two minutes ago.

"You said that it was urgent so we got here as quick as we could." Emma rushed out. "Now what's the news?"

"I got the freaking part!" I shouted.

"Stop lying." Summers mouth dropped.

"I said the same thing." I laughed.

"Holy sh-" Emma cut herself off and smiled at my mom who chuckled at her. "I mean, holy shoot. I'm so proud of you Mar."

"Group hug!" My mom announced.

If you couldn't tell, my moms a hugger.

We all huddled together and giggled.

"You know what this means right?" Emma said hopefully but I didn't really understand.

I furrowed my browns and shook my head.

"This means you'll meet Finn!" Summer answered.

My mouth dropped.

Why am I actually stupid?

I jumped around and started dancing, ending my performance with a harsh whip.

My mom laughed at me and left my room, claiming my dancing made her uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute. Do you know how many times I've said that I would marry Finn?. What if he's seen that?!" I screeched.

Summer scratched her head.

"I'm pretty sure they have because they said that they haven't talked to you but from what they've seen, you're very nice which means they most likely have." Emma said, once again, being the bearer of bad news.

"What the heck! What if this ruins my friendship with them? What if he just thinks I'm some weird fan girl that somehow got a part in the show?" I slapped my forehead.

"It's okay, they didn't seem bothered by it on instagram." Summer shrugged.

"But what if they were just being nice because the fans were there and they didn't want to seem mean?"

"Okay, enough of the what if's! They're gonna know it was a joke and you're gonna be perfectly fine." Emma assured and Summer just silently agreed by nodding.

"Anyways, when do you have to start filming?" Summer asked and sat down on my messy bed.

"Um I think my mom said April 20th but my mom was talking too fast so that might be wrong."

"April twentieth?! That's next month!" Emma shouted.

"Yeah I know. I guess they wanna get right to business." I shrugged.

"Oooh, I wonder what cute outfits they were gonna put you." Summer said.

"I completely forgot it's based in the 80's so the style is gonna be completely different."

"And who is gonna be your love interest, if they decided to give you one." Emma wondered out loud.

But it all went in one ear and out the other because I cannot believe, me, Marla Catherine, is in Stranger Things.

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