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hey are you okay

mar bar
lol no

can i facetime you?

mar bar
right now?

no, tomorrow
yes right now

mar bar
right now is not a good time

and why is that

mar bar
because i'm freaking crying
and i don't like when people see me cry
it's already bad enough that finn and caleb
are here

first of all
none of those people are worth you crying over
they're just trying to get under your skin and
its disgusting that they would even say those things
they're all lies
you're absolutely gorgeous and if you've changed
it's because you're a lot more happier
don't let them fuck that up

mar bar
that was so nice thank you so much wow
it's just, i'm always nice to people but people
just use it as a way to step all over me
and i'm way too shy to do anything about it
the comment that i made when people were being mean to jack was out of anger and it was dumb

it wasn't dumb at all!
you stood up for your friend and that's great

mar bar
its just
people don't really know how much their
words hurt
but i know that it always feel good
when someone has your back

yeah, i know

mar bar
and i know a lot of people have my back
but in the moment

i understand
you're just focused on what is going on in the moment

mar bar
i'm just think abt what is in front of me
which is a whole bunch of hate
and it doesn't take much for me to
get my feeling hurt

i see that and i know how hard
dealing with hate can be
but i want you to promise me that
if you ever feel like this again
that you're gonna text me immediately.
yeah you can text summer and emma and shit
but i would feel like an asshole if i didn't try to help

mar bar
you don't have to

yeah i know that
and i know that we're not that close and shit but
fuck marla, i have a really big heart
and i care a lot

mar bar
aww wyatt
i like this side of you
you're so niceee

cherish it bc it's not gonna happen again

mar bar


mar bar

can you promise me already

mar bar
oh yeah
my bad
i promise to contact you when i feel sad
and can you promise me the same?

wait what

mar bar
can you promise me that whenever you're sad or angry
which you always seem angry
that you'll contact me
i'll do my best to cheer you up

i'm not always angry
mar bar

yeah, sure whatever.
i promise

mar bar
thank youuuu

can i fucking facetime you

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