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*Still Jacks pov*

The person is Gabbie yea my ex.

I can already tell that some shit is about to go down

I then tried to hide my face but she already saw me

Then of course she comes over here and sits next to me

Christina looks at me weird "Who is this" she asks

"No one" i say back

"Go away" i say to Gabbie "No i want you back baby" she says "Im not your baby anymore" i say

Then she trys to kiss me and out of no were i see Christinas hand slapping gabbie across the face "Dont you ever try and kiss my man or even touch him" Christina says to Gabbie "Oh yea well watch me"gabbue says "Ohhh i know damm well you arent about to touch my man" Christina says

And the all of a sudden i feel lips on my cheek, Ewwwwww Gabbie just kissed me

Then Christina gets up and tackles her to the ground and just startes beating the living shit out of her, it was actually funny

But it was enough becuse gabbie was all bloody so i grabbed Christina by the waist but she wouldnt stop trying to get to her

Some randome people were holding gabbie back and then Christina broke out of my grip and just started throwing out so much hands she really gives no fucks where she is or what time it is or whatever

Then we all grabbed Christina and took her out of IHOP

Christina really didnt have any marks only some bruises ohhh but Gabbie she was fucked up really bad Christina really beat her ass like fucking beat her ass

While Christina was calming down the police and ambience came and they took gabbie to the hospital and was talking to Christina

She came back and said shes off with a warning

Christina had Gabbies blood all over her so im taking her home right know

Her clothes were all fucked up so i think im going to go and buy her some new ones (the same exact ones) after i drop her off at the house

Im on my way home now from getting the clothes and shoes

*15 minutes later*

I pulled up and got into the house and saw Christina on the couch watching Riverdale with Angel so i went over and kissed Christina on the forehead "Whats that" she said while looking at the bag "Oh its some new clothes for you because you got your clothes bloody" i say "Awww thanks babe"she says kissing me "Ewww"Angel says pretending to throw up then Christina slapped her playfully "Shut up i dont do that when your all kissing Zach" Christina says

My eyes go wide "What the Fuck Christina" Angel says "Oops"Christina says "Wait so you and Zach are-" i was cut of by Christina saying " Yes their dating" then Angel blushes (ik i said that Angel is 18 but now im switching her age to 16) "Oooooo" I say "oh shut up" Angel said rolling her eyes

I sat down and im watching Riverdale with them and them a hoe came bargging in...

Off cliffhanger

Hahaha sorry i left you on a cliffhanger jk im not sorry 😈😈

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